Over 100 filmgoers have voted on the 90+ Best Action Drama Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Braveheart, Gladiator, Heat
Here's a complete list of the best Drama Movies available on Netflix in the U.S.. The list is updated daily and is sorted by IMDb rating, but you can also choose to sort it by the date when the titles were added to Netflix, which is convenient if
Netflix has plenty of action movies to stream, but which ones are worth your time? We select the absolute best action movies on the streaming service, including ‘Spider-Man 2,’‘Godzilla Minus One,’‘Inception,’ and more.
Amazon Prime Video has a rich, deep catalog of action movies including ‘Mission: Impossible,’‘Monkey Man,’ and ‘Edge of Tomorrow.’ Here are the absolute best.
Action, Drama, History, War Stars Felix Kammerer, Albrecht Schuch, Aaron Hilmer Directed by Edward Berger Watch on Netflix The 1930 adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s classic World War I novel is considered anall-time great war movie, but modern special effects add another level of heightene...
where the series takes on more of a sweeping, Nordic feel... Building up, of course, to Helm's Deep, a ferocious action crescendo which features gratuitous scenes of dwarf-tossing. The huge battle includes jaw-dropping clashes and incredible scale, and that's just one element that ensuresTo...
" makes a good case that live-action productions should invest in more high-quality animated spin-offs. "Nightmare of Wolf" follows the adventures of the Witcher Vesemir, the man who mentored Geralt, the lead of Netflix's live-action fantasy series. Living in the waning age of Witchers,...
While this is partly an intense family drama, it doesn’t shy away from dramatic choreographed fight sequences and chases, making this one of the most surprising action movies of the bunch. And really, when a movie makes your heart race in one moment and cry in the next, what more could...
Action, Adventure, Drama 2,064 votes Tatsumi leaves his impoverished village in search of a better life, only to be swept into a secret assassin group called Night Raid, which fights against the corrupt Empire. As he becomes embroiled in the rebellion, Tatsumi must learn to navigate the peril...
Sons of Anarchy was an action crime drama series that ran on television for 7 seasons between 2008 and 2014. Set in a fictional town known as Charming in California, this series followed the lives of the members of an outlaw motorcycle club and dealt with themes of brotherhood, loyalty, and...