With over 300 to choose from, there’s bound to be competition when it comes to choosing the commander of yourdragon deck. It's time to set flight and find the best dragon commanders in Magic! Table of Contentsshow What Are Dragon Commanders in MTG?
Niels has been playing Magic: the Gathering since 2012 and is a writer for Draftsim. He can often be found trying out new ideas for limited and standard on MTG Arena, or tinkering around with one of his many EDH decks. Most of his EDH decks are influenced by the Legacy and Vintage for...
Arena League (9) Asia Pacific Land Program (15) Battle Royale Box Set (136) Celebration Cards (6) Champs (12) Conspiracy (210) Conspiracy FOIL Guru (5) Happy Holidays (7) Magic Game Day Cards (31) Magic Player Rewards (53) Magic: The Gathering Launch Parties (27) ...
MTG is easy to learn, but, just like all our favoritestrategy board games, it can take years to truly master – so there’s never a bad time to start playing. We recommend starting with our beginner’s guide onhow to play Magic: The Gathering– and play your first games inMTG Arena,...
MTG Dragons Dragons are synonymous with fantasy. It should come as no surprise, then, that Dragons are arguably the most popular MTG creature type to build a deck around. The tribe boasts some of the biggest and most powerful creatures in the game; whenever a dragon hits the battlefield it...
re already an MTG expert, then the ability to have a game with anyone around the world whenever you want is no doubt going to be quite appealing too. As with a lot of the other games here, we’ve got a bunch ofMTG Arena codesto help you find your footing in the early days of ...
players need to know how much they need to spend to purchase a competitive deck, considering the cards already in their collection. Best-MTG-Deck is a user-friendly solution to this need: you only need to insert your collection of MTG cards (e.g.: 4 Tarmogoyf) to obtain a lot of usef...
MTG Arena’s matchmaking andhand smoothingsystem has always been manipulated to some degree so players get an overall more balanced experience when playing the game. Brawl in particular, while not competitive in nature has a serious imbalance in power levels from deck to deck, so this was the ...
Welcome to Midweek Magic! Each week, try out a different way to play MTG Arena! Bring a 60-card deck using only cards fromThe Lost Caverns of Ixalan,Murders at Karlov Manor, andOutlaws of Thunder Junction. With only three Standard sets to work with, you’ll need cutting-edge strategies ...
For the most part, then, we test all gaming tablets across Xbox Game Pass streaming, PlayStation Remote Play, and demanding native games like Genshin Impact, PUBG Mobile, and MTG Arena. Where these options are unavailable, we instead test across the most well-known titles playable on each ...