Currently, they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown...
Sam Raimi is best known for stomach-churning horror (Evil Dead, Drag Me to Hell) or larger-than-life superhero adventures (The OG Spider-Man trilogy, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness). But between these phases of a funky filmography, the cult-adored director tried his hand at ...
The action-packed first reel finds three go-go dancers speeding out to the California salt flats, rassling and drag-racing in the dust. After challenging a clean-cut boyo to a race, group leader Tura Satana snaps his back, steals his girlfriend and hatches a plan to rob a crazy old ...
The very first Fast and the Furious movie may not be the best in the franchise, but it's where it all began. In the first movie in the probably never-ending franchise, Paul Walker's Brian is an undercover cop who hasn't yet joined the drag racing fam. Vin Diesel's Dom takes Brian...
But like all good drag shows, it’s also a total guilty pleasure. Donnie Yen doubles down on his self-conscious cool, all peacock struts, leather jackets and skinny jeans as he infiltrates a Vietnamese gang with undercover buddy Wilson (Louis Koo). The two bros frequently meet on the ...
Cult director John Waters’ only mainstream hit, Hairspray also happens to be a near-perfect teen movie—sunny, sincere and bouncing with energy. Watch it for a gorgeous performance by Waters’ drag queen muse Divine (in his last acting role) playing Tracy’s mom in a frumpy polyester house...
Do you use it to stream broadcast shows the day after they air? Do you watch its Emmy-winning FX shows? Do you enjoy its original comedies (Only Murders in the Building), dramas (Tell Me Lies), and reality shows (The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives)? How about all of them? You'll ...
been a lot of trepidation about how well the show could pull off the lip sync battle royale remotely, the three finalists — Crystal Methyd, Gigi Goode, and Jaida Essence Hall — turned what could have been a disaster in lesser queens' hands into the tightest race in Drag Race herstory....
cringed when I heard the film was action mixed with science-fiction and superhero multiverses, none of which are my genre of choice. The film goes beyond that with a sensory overload, a warped, onslaught of colorful wackiness that includes hot dog fingers, butt plugs, and a drag ...
Drag Queens Accepting Adulthood on a Subway Platform Beware the Mean Insights of 13-Year-Olds It’s Hard to Really Get Lost in New York That Tall Child Looks Terrible Law & Order Interview #1 Interview #2 Interview #3 Return to top In the Bedroom Ask Milly (From Her Bedroom) Can’t Sl...