Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Universe 340 votes Renowned for his cunning and ambition, Draco Malfoy is a complex figure with a tumultuous journey in the Wizarding World. As a skilled potions master and duelist, his talents are overshadowed by his dogged allegiance to the dark forces. Yet,...
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Universe 334 votes Renowned for his cunning and ambition, Draco Malfoy is a complex figure with a tumultuous journey in the Wizarding World. As a skilled potions master and duelist, his talents are overshadowed by his dogged allegiance to the dark forces. Yet, t...
Harry is befriended by the hapless Ronald Weasley and the brilliant but aggravating Hermione Granger; and he makes an enemy of the snobbish Draco Malfoy. Harry takes classes from colorful instructors, including the sardonic Snape, who seems to hate the new boy at first sight; he joins the ...
The reboot should focus on better characterization for Voldemort, epic Quidditch matches, accurate wizard attire, and proper redemption arcs for Draco Malfoy and Dudley Dursley. The upcoming Harry Potter reboot has a lot to live up to in terms of fan expectations, but it also has the opportuni...
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Universe 341 votes Renowned for his cunning and ambition, Draco Malfoy is a complex figure with a tumultuous journey in the Wizarding World. As a skilled potions master and duelist, his talents are overshadowed by his dogged allegiance to the dark forces. Yet,...
Science Fiction Dinosaurs Vehicles Reference Sheet Skyscapes Concept Art Magic Realms Graphic Design Dragons Aliens Maps Azusa-Tepes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/azusa-tepes/art/Shoe-and-Socks-Removal-You-guys-decided-1114676652Azusa-Tepes GIF Shoe and Socks Removal (You guys decided) Azu...