We’ve compiled this list of movies and TV shows similar to Harley Quinn that are sure to conjure up the same feelings of animated adventure that you had while watching your favorite episodes of Harley Quinn. With lots of options, including Doom Patrol, another DC Comics show known for its...
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Jane Seymour, Joe Lando, John Schneider 952 votes A female doctor in the 1880s fights for acceptance in Colorado. Premiered: January 1, 1993 Network: CBS Also ranks #3 on The Best 1990s Medical TV Shows, Ranked Also ranks #4 on The Best 1990s CBS Dramas, Ra...
The framing narrative, set in a delightful country house populated by jolly upper-crust eccentrics, is more cosy than creepy, the first three episodes – the psychic racing driver, the Victorian children’s party and the haunted mirror – while increasingly ominous, are hardly hair-raising, ...
That Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for bestleadingactor despite only appearing in 16 minutes ofThe Silence of the Lambsspeaks to just how powerful his portrayal of psychopathic Hannibal Lecter really is. This exquisitely executed thriller plays like a cat-and-mouse game between Dr. Lecter and Jodi...
The framing narrative, set in a delightful country house populated by jolly upper-crust eccentrics, is more cosy than creepy, the first three episodes – the psychic racing driver, the Victorian children’s party and the haunted mirror – while increasingly ominous, are hardly hair-raising, ...
If you want to sort this list by title or check the Tv Series (or separate episodes) you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and enjoy! The .amm file contains more details than listed below. For example, the database contains details about every episode in...
Runtime:~43–46 minute episodes Main cast:Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Jon Michael Hill, Aidan Quinn Creator:Robert Doherty RT score:95% Recommended by , so you can relive the episodes or experience them for the first time if you're new to it. ...
The work of four directors across five clever episodes, plus a dream-within-a-dream framing device, “Dead of Night” packs more than its share of rug-yanking surprises. In subsequent decades, “The Twilight Zone” and “Tales From the Crypt” would try to do the same on television (...
The work of four directors across five clever episodes, plus a dream-within-a-dream framing device, “Dead of Night” packs more than its share of rug-yanking surprises. In subsequent decades, “The Twilight Zone” and “Tales From the Crypt” would try to do the same on television (...
Fun facts: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was a 1978 BBC Radio 4 broadcast; the novel was adapted from the first four episodes. The story was adapted for TV’s BBC Two in 1981, and as a 2005 movie starring Martin Freeman as Arthur, Mos Def as Ford, Sam Rockwell as Zaphod,...