Based on from the Filipino comic series written by Budjette Tan and illustrated by Kajo Baldisimo, "Trese" is set on the streets of modern Manila, the capital of the Philippines, where supernatural creatures are sequestered away in abandoned properties and sewers, and serve as members of gangs...
Shoutout! is a teen music reality variety show broadcast by ABS-CBN in the Philippines. The show premiered November 29, 2010, and is hosted by the network's leading stars that include Erich Gonzales, Enchong Dee, Robi Domingo, Sam Concepcion, Arron Villaflor, and Empress...
Viva Labs uses locally sourced coconuts from their farms located on the side of a volcano in the Philippines to produce this organic coconut oil. They use a proprietary cold pressed extraction process. This extra-virgin coconut oil is certified organic and non-GMO. The product comes in two ...
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From the cosmopolitan metropolis of Cebu City and the white-sand beaches of Mactan to the electric-blue waters of Kawasan Falls and the whale sharks of Oslob, it’s easy to see why Cebu Island is one of the Philippines’ top destinations. Read more Phu Quoc Island Soak up the sun and ...
Labrador puppy kibble only needs to be fed next to water. Puppy kibble from a reputable manufacturer is intended to be a complete and balanced food. But some owners like to mix in canned dog food or even scraps of raw food with kibble. ...
Latest Food recommended in Manila See what people are recommending on Burpple The Penthouse 8747 Paseo de Roxas, Philippines Great Night View Before 10PM The smaller tables along the railing have a good view of the Makati skyline, but I suspect the view might be more impressive at sunset ...
From the cosmopolitan metropolis of Cebu City and the white-sand beaches of Mactan to the electric-blue waters of Kawasan Falls and the whale sharks of Oslob, it’s easy to see why Cebu Island is one of the Philippines’ top destinations. Read more Phu Quoc Island Soak up the sun and ...
This cosy Sai Ying Pun spot pays homage to the food culture of Pampanga – a province known as the kitchen of the Philippines. With a name translating to ‘auntie’ in the Kapampangan dialect, you’ll feel right at home the moment you step inside, as the smells of aromatic chicken inasa...
15 of the best places to go for Christmas - "From England to the Philippines, these 15 places around the world traditionally offer up some of the best holiday atmosphere for a Christmas-drenched vacation." 15 of the greatest US holidays - The Telegraph. 15 passport stamps to impress your ...