Models, Money Belts, Money Clips, Money Converters, Money, Monitor Frames, Monocular, Motors, Mouse Pads, Computer Mouse, Clapboard Products, Movie products, Mug Warmers, Mugs, Steins, Mug Trees, mug Holders, Murals, Music CD’s, Musical Instruments, Nail Polish, Nail Files, Name Plates, Nap...
Yes, reporters are incredibly busy, but if you can, take the time to meet them in person, offer to meet them near their office/preferred place of business/industry conference in real time and life. We’ve noticed that the most successful pitches evolve from that. —Suset Laboy Perez, Ow...
(Tellingly, when a character explicitly asks Damon’s Bill Baker if he voted for Trump — which is honestly the subtext of the whole film — both Bill and the movie dodge the question.) Damon gets the accent mostly right, and he wears the Cabela’s hat and the goatee convincingly, but...