Arcanedelves into the origins of some of the game’s iconic characters. The story is set in the twin cities of Zaun and Piltover, and it follows two main characters: Vi and Jinx. At its core, it is a tale of two sisters’ discord, underpinned by the themes...
Discord is designed with gamers at heart, but more and more are switching to the messaging platform thanks to its integrations and ease of use. You can quickly build a community of users with easy community management while setting up member roles and having invite links at the ready. Download...
Discord is designed with gamers at heart, but more and more are switching to the messaging platform thanks to its integrations and ease of use. You can quickly build a community of users with easy community management while setting up member roles and having invite links at the ready. Download...
opening the menu, and selecting Delete. But to delete multiple messages or auto-delete them, try Discord bots (Discord now calls them apps). Here are two Discord bots/apps to delete multiple messages with a single command and one neat trick to delete all messages. ...
When it was first launched, Discord was envisioned as a place for gamers to hang out. Now, it’s expanded way beyond that and is a great place to meet people and chat, whatever you’re into. You can use it for voice chat with friends or simple text chat if you prefer. It’s easy...
this is a good time to up the overall quality of your monitor and display. That may even mean investing in a 4K monitor for the best resolution out there or a curved monitor which allows you to create a stunning level of performance in very immersive-style, 3D-style gaming. For those ...
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