This discord bot is one of the highest-rated bots. It allows the users to show their creativity by making memes within just a few seconds, manipulate images, and also gamble with these memes. There are also specializes meme commands that the user can use to make 100 different kinds of mem...
In recent years, Discord has become a platform that caters to everyone with a range of features. One such feature is the integration of Discord bots, which can automate tasks and perform actions beyond the platform's default capabilities.
Interestingly, you can extend the functionality of Discord with Bots; Bots are automation tools that perform intended tasks with or without human interference. For example, you could set the automated reply to messages when you are not available to reply immediately. Bots for Discord can help you...
everyban, kick, mute, warn, unban and unmutethat is ran through nypsi is logged and saved and can be accessed with the$historyand$casecommands. with all of these commands you are also able to punish multiple people in the same command. use$help modto view all of the moderation commands...
MEE6 will constantly monitor your server’s message tree for violations including fraud, spoilers, foul language, etc. The built-in commands in MEE6 can be used for kicking, muting, and even slamming a permanent ban on violators. You can even set the number of times a user can make viola...
Before we proceed, if you are wonderinghow to add bots to the Discord server, check out this detailed guide. 1. Cleaner You can use Cleaner to delete a specific number of messages from a particular user. Here are all the commands and respective features supported by the Cleaner bot. ...
In a compilation of 10 best Discord bots, Hexacircle comes a full circle (pun intended!) with a variety of fun and utility features and commands it has to offer. Now make your chat more fun by adding expressing GIFs to it. Talking about moderation features, you can ban a particular team...
Another popular Discord Bot that you should know about in 2020 is the MEE6, a powerful Discord hat provides the user full control of commands. With this, you can set up different commands which will enable the system to automatically give or remove roles, send a message, send welcome messag...
The gameplay itself is command-based, where you issue commands to your characters to do battle. There's an auto mode for those who want it. Being a gacha title, Nier Reincarnation falls prey to the same pitfalls as other games of its ilk do, but it's a beautiful experience that ...
1. Fredboat – Discord Music Bot with User-friendly Commands Fredboat is one of the most famous music bots out there and for a good reason. It’s quite simple and requires no configuration. The bot’s music commands like !play, !skip, etc., are easy to remember. ...