Inside Man, directed by the renowned Spike Lee, is a clever and engaging heist thriller that follows a tense standoff between a cunning bank robber (Clive Owen) and a determined detective (Denzel Washington). As the plot unfolds, the audience is treated to a series of unexpected twists ...
JRK took these men and showed their motivations and humanity like no other book has ever done. He really made this time in history come alive for me, and I can’t wait for more in the series. Treat yourself to a wonderful adventure and an exciting new series. You will be glad you di...
An anime populated by anthropomorphized animals, "Beastars" is a malleable allegory (it's sometimes referred to as "Zootopia" for adults) set right at the intersection of high school angst and film noir brooding. At Cherryton Academy, relations between predator and prey have been hanging by a...
Nonfiction Series Short Nonfiction Travel True Crime Hide books Nonfiction Books Last updated: December 22, 2024 Across our site, we have thousands of nonfiction book recommendations, on a vast array of topics. Below, you'll find some general recommendations, useful if you're in the mood for...
History, on the surface, doesn't seem like a great subject for audiobooks. Getting through almost any serious work of history involves some speed reading, as it's not unusual for award-winning books like Mary Fulbrook's Reckonings, the winner of the 2019 Wolfson Prize, to stretch to 500...
For anyone who doesn’t know, City of Bones is part of the Shadowhunters universe, a multi-series fantasy saga that encompasses (to date) fifteen novels across four young adult book series, three volumes of related short stories, four graphic novels, as well as the requisite movie and TV ...
In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
The first fantasy series that really struck a deep chord with me emotionally. Simply magnificent.Sword of Shadows Trilogy by J.V. Jones Still waiting for the 3rd book to be published, but the first two are excellent. The best comparison I can think of would be Song of Ice and Fire, in...
100 Best UK Book Blogs ⋅ 1. For Reading Addicts Blog ⋅ 2. Lovereading Blog ⋅ 3. A Little Blog of Books ⋅ 4. Lovereading 4 Kids Blog ⋅ 5. The Hub by London Bookfair ⋅ 6. Hodderscape
Like 365 Days, the Fifty Shades movies touch on a romantic relationship that isn't exactly healthy, and the problematic way the series depicted BDSM drew ire, but its overwhelming success proved it was popular enough with audiences looking for the darker side of romance. None of the films rec...