This adorable and charming mockumentary dramedy about a one-inch-tall shell named Marcel is a feature adaptation of Dean Fleischer Camp's shorts, which he co-wrote with voice star Jenny Slate. Marcel lives with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. They were once part of a sprawl...
A new story is posted to 50-Word Stories every weekday. Every story is exactly 50 words long! You can submit your own stories to be featured on the website, or enter themed contests to win books or ebooks, discounts from the Store, or other fun prizes. This our blog and get ...
If you ever find yourself trapped inside, staring at your laptop, and longing to travel, consider taking a virtual staycation with some virtual earth and nature porn. There are a bunch of subreddits that highlight earth, botanical, water, sky, and weather porn. You can also search for sea...
Day turns in a marvelously natural performance, equal parts heartbreaking and hilarious. Burnham, meanwhile, burnishes the film with a can’t-be-faked authenticity, even with the somewhat convenient up-note of positivity at the end. When he suggests that things do get better, you can believe ...
Day turns in a marvelously natural performance, equal parts heartbreaking and hilarious. Burnham, meanwhile, burnishes the film with a can’t-be-faked authenticity, even with the somewhat convenient up-note of positivity at the end. When he suggests that things do get better, you can believe ...
This adorable and charming mockumentary dramedy about a one-inch-tall shell named Marcel is a feature adaptation of Dean Fleischer Camp's shorts, which he co-wrote with voice star Jenny Slate. Marcel lives with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. They were once part of a sprawl...
In the ever-evolving world of digital content,YouTube Shortshas emerged as a powerful platform for creators to gain rapid visibility and engagement. As a creator, understanding and utilizing the right tags can dramatically influence your content’s reach and virality. This blog post aims to provid...
When I came out, though it was super late (10:30pm), the whole family (the owner, his wife, mom and daughter) were all waiting for me to be done and I felt so bad but they were the nicest people ever. I would highly highly recommend this place for a massage and would come ...
Ever since a talking cat named Luna gave teenager Usagi Tsukino a magical brooch, that’s the dilemma she’s forced to face every day. Now, Usagi has the power to turn into a fearsome and super-cute warrior named Sailor Moon, and she does so in the world’s most iconic transformation ...
Stance “no show” socks are a great blend of comfort and functionality, perfect for those who want their socks to stay hidden while providing reliable support. They feature a soft, breathable fabric with a no-slip grip that keeps them in place throughout the day. While they’re slightly ...