Emile Hirsch plays a high school senior who falls for the beautiful and mysterious woman, portrayed by Elisha Cuthbert, who moves in next door. As their relationship deepens, he becomes entangled in her dangerous world, forcing him to confront his own desires and fears. The film offers a uniq...
As Monáe shimmies through a swim dance move, they flash a giddy smile, winking at both the song’s provocative lyrics and the choreography’s silliness. Unlike their previous cyberpunk-influenced videos, which were marked by sharp, mechanical dancing, “Water Slide” moves at its own pace, ...
19-year-old Hinako Mukaimizu (Rina Kawaei) moves to an oceanside town to attend college and indulge in her hobby, surfing, and falls in love with a local firefighter (Ryota Katayose). Also ranks #9 on The 18 Saddest Anime Movies That Will Make You Cry Also ranks #12 on The 20 Best...
李马克吧【马吧中字】210708 SuperM Reaction|Who's got the Best Solo #WeDO dance moves? 马克Cut 中字 片源:李敏亨187 翻译:荼柯 时间轴:yan 摇摇压制/校对:脆米果 【本视频中字由百度李马克吧独家制作 禁止任何形式二传/二改/商用 转载请注明出处】 展开更多 ...
, who moves in with his stern father Furious (Laurence Fishburne, as outstanding as ever) as a young boy. We follow Tre, now a teen who aspires to go to college, as he gets entangled in a world of gang rivalries with his friends. Boyz n the Hood isn't a film simply about gang...
Bumble relaunched its "First Move" feature in April 2024, giving users new ways to break the ice. Women and non-binary people now have the option to set (or create) "Opening Moves," a question that all their matches can answer. That means no more awkward "hey..." messages. ...
(Daniel Elias) is the guilty party, but he has a plan: spend three years in jail so he never has to work again, as long as he can convince his coworker Román (Esteban Bigliardi) to hide the money for him. The film moves repeatedly in unexpected directions from there, and critics ...
On each character, she moves in close, like a friend at a party with a secret to tell under the loud music. When that intimacy is shared with Gia herself, what differentiates Earth Mama comes into focus. We are not observing this woman from a distance; we are sitting beside her, ...
American Fiction(2023) For fans of: Stories that break the fourth wall, quirky comedies with something to say, things that are good Jeffrey Wright,American Fiction Clare Folger, for Orion Releasing Director:Cord Jefferson Stars:Jeffrey Wright, Tracee Ellis Ross, Erika Alexander, John Ortiz, Sterli...
, flora and son comes from director john carney and has all of his signature moves, plus something else: eve hewson, who plays the movie's titular mom. she's a force, and she hits all of her musician notes perfectly. makes sense; she's bono's daughter. stephen curry: underrated ...