The iWALK crutch is an easy-to-use & hands-free crutch that eliminates the pain of traditional crutches. Get yours today [free 1-3 day shipping].
Initially, the foot is typically placed in a cast or boot to protect the surgical site and allow for proper healing. Patients are advised to keep weight off the affected foot and use crutches to aid in mobility. Physical therapy is often recommended to help restore strength, flexibility, and...
The XLEG allows patients to walk normally while remaining non-weight bearing like no other crutch alternative. The XLEG-V4 is the only crutch alternative that provides full range of motion and truly enhanced mobility. Covered by most insurance companies/
Bones that are used for bearing weight need to be reset properly to establish healing in the proper place. The longer a fracture goes out of place the longer healing can take as the healing process may begin already even if the bone is far out of place. This means it will need to be ...