In this gritty Korean crime thriller, a former detective-turned-pimp races against time to save one of his girls from a serial killer. As he delves deeper into the city's criminal underworld, he finds himself in the crosshairs of both the police and his own dangerous past. A visceral, na...
With its strong performances, particularly from Fishburne and co-star Jeff Goldblum, and its authentic portrayal of the criminal underworld, Deep Cover has become a classic within the thriller genre. Released: 1992 Directed by: Bill Duke Also ranks #6 on Great Villains In Forgotten '90s Movi...
Rocket Lawyeroffers a number of benefits to customers through its registered agent service, in addition to its depth of legal knowledge and experience. Customers prefer them for their quality customer support team, who are masters of small business issues and subject matters. Plus, their customer s...
that specializes in criminal and personal injury cases. We have earned our reputation by providing aggressive representation for our clients. When you are injured or charged with a crime, you need an experienced lawyer who works diligently on your behalf. For over 39 years, we have helped client...
11. In Defense of a Married Man (1990) This one is an oldie but goodie. The premise is so interesting – a man having an extra-marital affair becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his girlfriend and has to lawyer up. Who’s the lawyer? The very wife he was cheating on. ‘...
A tough lawyer, who is equally as ruthless with his family, experiences a change of character as the result of a life-threatening coma. Working through his amnesia, he is found to be a much more gentle and loving friend, father, and husband. This drama, directed by Mike Nichols and writ...
Robert De Niro and Al Pacino star in one of the best movies of the ‘90s, a stunning cat-and-mouse game between a career criminal and a workaholic cop. The book release of Heat 2 in 2022 brought a lot of people back to this movie, one that has held up remarkably well over the ne...
the safety of allowing companies like Uber and Lyft to test drive on state roads. Foos, who represents commercial carriers in the event of a death or injury, toldThe Indiana Lawyer, “Taking the human element out of [pedestrian deaths] altogether raises some really interesting issues for us....
Plot:mother son incest, murder, coming of age, mother son relationship, father son relationship, family secret, on the run, family relations, murder mystery, life is a bitch, criminal, runaway ... Place:sri lanka Is relevant ? A Woman Obsessed (1988) ...