it follows the story of a criminal defense attorney, Mea Harper, who is approached by a famous painter, Zyair Molloy, to represent him. He is accused of brutally killing his ex, but he claims that he had nothing to do with her death ...
Journalist Rae deLeon is investigating how rape cases are prosecuted by police officers, and how the accusers can be turned into the accused by the criminal justice system. Both a damning indictment of the police and proof of the value of investigative journalism, Victim/Suspect is proof that ...
Watch on Netflix “If you’re in the prison business, you don’t want reform. You may say you do. But you don’t.” Ava DuVernay’s eye-opening, at times harrowing,13this a pivotal documentary that explores the centuries-old criminalization of disenfranchised African American communities, ...
which cleverly provides the killer soundtrack to his car chases. While Baby wants to escape his life of crime, he is forced into taking on one more job from criminal mastermind Doc
enchanting Yakuza series has ever felt, letting you completely lose yourself in its weird and wonderful vision of modern Japan for 100 hours or more as you manage a resort, play arcade games, deliver takeaways, sing karaoke, and occasionally remember you're supposed to be battling criminal ...
Located near the Pennsylvania border, Binghamton, New York is a town of just under 50,000 residents. It is home to Binghamton University, a State University of New York. The top college town is sometimes referred to as the “Valley of Opportunity” because of its stable economy and history...
The same could be said forEye Of The Beholderby David Ellis (Quercus H/B £14.99). Once again, the past throws up secrets that were better hidden. Attorney Paul Riley discovers that the case that he built his career on may not have been all it seemed. A serial killer brought to jus...
Audio: Bombastic Side Eye Criminal Offensive Side Eye - casadimusic Current # of Posts: 1.6K Trend: Feel So Good — April 6, 2023 Trend Recap: Good vibes are on the way! Use this sped-up, remixed version of Mase's "Feel So Good" to highlight a special event of day in the life...
I don't think many of us watched South Korea's dystopian smash hit drama Squid Game — which saw a few hundred desperate criminal types dumped into a life-or-death Battle Royale type competition from hell — and thought to ourselves, "Gee, they should make that real." But some clever ...
Simu Liu plays the titular Shang-Chi, the son of the leader of an underground criminal organization known as the Ten Rings. After his mother is killed by a rival group, he's trained as an assassin from an early age but abandons his destiny as a teen to live a normal life. A decade...