Written by Jithin K. Jose, K. S. Aravind, and Daniel Sayooj Nair, ‘Kurup’ is an Indian Malayalam-language crime thriller film directed by Srinath Rajendran. The Dulquer Salmaan and Indrajith Sukumaran starrer follows the titular protagonist as he embarks on a quest to find a man with a...
Drishyam is a 2015 Indian Hindi-language thriller film directed by Nishikant Kamat, and a remake of the 2013 Malayalam film. Desperate measures are taken by a man (Ajay Devgn) who tries to save his family from the dark side of the law, after they commit an unexpected crime. R...
August 15 is a 2011 Malayalam crime thriller film directed by Shaji Kailas, written by S. N. Swamy, and starring Mammootty. The film is produced by M. Mani and was released on March 24, 2011. The film is a sequel to the 1988 film August 1, which was directed by Sibi Malayil, and...
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Mark Wahlberg stars as James Silva, a vital member of the CIA’s most elite and top-secret unit in this action/thriller film. As a corrupt enemy closes in, Silva and his highly trained command team must race against the clock to transport and protect a life-threatening delivery. M...
Post the humongous success of Kabir Singh, there were reports that Vanga was set to make a dark crime thriller… 0 2900 Views Facebook Google+ Twitter Priyanka Chopra is busy promoting her upcoming film The Sky Is Pink in India Nick Jonas held Priyanka Chopra after watching The Sky Is Pink...
Similar to Indian Movies of 2020:The 15 Best Indian Movies of 2018 The best thing about the screenplay is that it never loses its purpose. Most Indian experimental films tend to lack storytelling for the completion of their ‘experiment’. This Malayalam thriller is that rare beast that takes...
Devan plays the lead character, and he has killed with his performance in this role. To talk more about this movie will mean that I will have to give key plot points away, and I don’t want to do that. Just know that this is one of the best thriller movies Bollywood has ever ...
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