The real-life unsolved case from the late 1960s and 1970s is dramatized in the neo-noir crime thrillerZodiac. Often considered one ofDavid Fincher’s best movies, the 2007 film revolves around newspaper cartoonist Robert Graysmith (Jake Gyllenhaal), reporters Paul Avery (Robert Downey Jr.) and...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Korean Movies About Revenge Also ranks #3 on The Best Korean Movies On Hulu 4 The Chaser Kim Yoon-seok, Ha Jung-woo, Seo Young-hee 172 votes The Chaser, a gritty crime thriller that follows an ex-detective turned pimp in a deadly cat-and-mouse gam...
Also ranks #20 on The 60+ Best Hostage Movies Of All Time 29 Savages Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson 80 votes Oliver Stone's gritty crime thriller follows two pot growers who must rescue their shared girlfriend from a Mexican drug cartel that has abducted her. As they...
Best true crime on Netflix, including docuseries, documentaries, true crime podcasts, true crime shows, true crime books, true crime movies, & more
Parasitemay have been the film that turned director Bong Joon-ho into a household name, but that’s not the onlygreat South Korean moviehe has created. One worth seeing at least once isMemories of Murder, a crime thriller based on the true story of the country’s first recorded serial mu...
Widely regarded as one of the greatest crime movies ever produced by British cinema,Get Carteris based on Ted Lewis’ novel Jack’s Return. Michael Caine plays the titular Jack Carter, a London hard-man who travels to Newcastle in the north of England to investigate the death of his brother...
Mindhunter is an American crime thriller television series created by Joe Penhall, based on the true-crime book Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit written by John E. Douglas and Mark Olshaker. The series is executive produced by Penhall, David Fincher, and Charlize Theron ...
This crime thriller comes from director Kevin Interdonato (Malicious, Dirty Dead Con Man) and co-writer Glenn Rodriguez, with a cast that includes the talents of Kevin Interdonato, Charles Malik Whitfield, Frankie Edgar, Al Sapienza, Anastasia Ganias, Joseph Sernio, Roger Mathews, Chuck MacLean,...
Crime Thriller, Romance, Drama Patrice Leconte 23My Life in Pink1997 Comedy Drama Alain Berliner 24One Swallow Brought Spring2001 Comedy, Romance, Drama Christian Carion 25Queen Margot1994 History (16thC) Drama, Biography, History, Romance
Another Nolan movie,Mementowas an early entry into his filmmaking catalog. The director is known for his mind-bending narrative elements, and this psychological crime thriller brilliantly shows the roots of this style. Guy Pearce stars as Leonard Shelby, a man suffering from a neurological disorder...