The Roaring Twenties (1939) is a riveting crime thriller directed by Raoul Walsh that chronicles the rise and fall of a disillusioned war veteran turned Bootlegger, portrayed convincingly by James Cagney. Co-starring Humphrey Bogart and Priscilla Lane, this film captures the essence of a tumultuous...
Director David Fincher’sSe7enis best known today as a dark crimethriller with an epic twist. The movie pairs Detectives David Mills (Brad Pitt), a young and naive rookie, and William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), a disillusioned, nearly soon-to-retire investigator. They are tasked with looking ...
As he pieces together the clues left behind by a cunning criminal mastermind, Cross quickly realizes that he's caught up in something far more sinister than he initially thought. With its captivating plot and nail-biting suspense, it's a must-watch for fans of the crime thriller genre....
This grimy crime thriller from 2014 isn't too far from his signature role in Taken, but we're not complaining. In A Walk Among the Tombstones, Neeson's character also has a very particular set of skills, which he puts to good use against some very bad men. Here he offers his ...
The thriller that gave a generation of children a fear of deep water and sharks,Steven Spielberg’sJawsdidn’t just inspire new methods of filmmaking, it also helped create the summer blockbuster. A movie that claimed the No. 1 box office spot for 14 weeks,Jawsterrified and delighted moviego...
Scraping up against the limits of knowability, David Fincher's mind-blowing crime thriller targets the truth itself as a serial killer's final victim.Zodiacis the definitive movie of its troubled decade, showing us good men thwarted by the elusive spirit of a murderous ghost. The real-life ex...
Parasitemay have been the film that turned director Bong Joon-ho into a household name, but that’s not the onlygreat South Korean moviehe has created. One worth seeing at least once isMemories of Murder, a crime thriller based on the true story of the country’s first recorded serial mu...
Here are some best crime and thriller TV series on Netflix. You can find a variety of thrillers like Pablo Escobar’s Narcos, Osho’s Wild Wild Country, famous Discovery channel feature Manhunt: Unabomber. Few series like An Innocent Man, Making a Murderer are documentary type TV series. Ho...
Lionsgate Films Knives Outis credited by many with freshening the murder mystery genre to fit the palates of modern audiences – perhaps because,according to the Atlantic: "Rian Johnson’s star-studded thriller pays homage to classic detective stories but gives the genre a timely twist." Detectiv...
And this crime thriller utilizes each and every moment to build suspenseful situations for Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Al Pacino, with the latter portraying Jimmy Hoffa, a good friend of De Niro's character. Genre: Crime dramaRotten Tomatoes score: 97%Stars: Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, ...