Inspired by one ofthe best crime movies of all time,Fargois an anthology crime series that takes place within the same continuity as the film. The darkly comedic show is primarily set in Minnesota, where seemingly ordinary people keep getting caught up in extraordinary and often criminal circums...
Over 700 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Crime Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Memories of Murder, Oldboy, I Saw the Devil
16 Movies Based On Real-Life Heists, Ranked The 85+ Best Serial Killer Movies of All Time The 50+ Best New & Recent Crime Movies, Ranked Underrated Movies About Real-Life Scammers And Con Artists The Greatest TV Shows About Prison The 60+ Best Hostage Movies Of All Time Underrated Mov...
Always present in any discussion of thebest crime movies ever, director David Fincher’sSe7enis one of the grittiest and darkest entries in the genre. It follows two detectives, the seasoned William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and the newly transferred David Mills (Brad Pitt), who reluctantly work...
You may also like:Lowest-rated reality TV shows of all time #35. Ozark - IMDb user rating: 8.5 - Years on the air: 2017-2022 This Netflix crime drama features a money-laundering family from Chicago in the Missouri Ozarks working for a Mexican drug cartel. The Emmy-winning series stars...
The Godfatheris the best movie of all time by these objective factors. The American crime drama about a mafia family starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino is generally regarded as one of cinema’s absolute classics and aside from being critically acclaimed, the film also proved to be a big fi...
Crime Documentary Drama Family Fantasy Film-Noir Game-Show History Horror Music Musical Mystery News Reality-TV Romance Sci-Fi Short Sport Talk-Show Thriller War Western 16,499 results 1.Dekalog (1988) Mar 22, 1996•RatedTV-MA This masterwork by Krzysztof Kieślowski is one of the twentieth...
Sure, true crime shows are having a moment, but murder mystery movies will always have a place in our hearts. It turns out there could even be a psychological reason we’re drawn to mystery films and crime stories in general: They may serve as a kind of “fairy tale for adults,” whe...
masterfully balancing the story between the Corleone's family life and the ugly crime business in which they are engaged. Based on Mario Puzo's best-selling novel and featuring career-making performances by Al Pacino, James Caan and Robert Duvall, this searing and brilliant film garnered ten Ac...
If you love playing armchair detective, here's a list of some of the best murder mystery movies of all time.