To build your credit, you must have a credit card and always pay on time. Your ultimate goal should be to get over a 700 credit score by the time you graduate college, and a 800 credit score by the time you are looking to buy a house in order to get the lowest rates possible. ...
After you graduate, Discover will reclassify your card so that it is no longer a student credit card. If you have a student card from a different issuer and an on-time payment history, you can ask for acard upgrade. You could also ask for a transfer to a product better suited to your...
” Clark says. “It’s in the ‘life’s not fair’ department that someone who doesn’t go to college doesn’t have that advantage, and the same is true for someone who doesn’t apply for one until after they graduate college
9. What Happens to a Student Credit Card When You Graduate? Your credit card issuer will periodically ask you for proof of enrollment to verify that you are still a student, typically every two years or so. Once you graduate or you can no longer provide that proof, one of two things ma...
Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card for Students: Best for Travel rewards (for established credit) Capital One Quicksilver Student Cash Rewards Credit Card: Best for Flat-rate cash back Chase Freedom Rise®: Best for No credit history + Chase banking customers Discover it® Secured...
How to choose a student credit card Maximizing a student credit card What to do when you graduate Our methodology Frequently asked questions Written by:Joey Robinson| Edited by:Tracy Stewart| Reviewed by:Jason Steele | January 9, 2025
If you're currently enrolled in a post-secondary program, you may have a much easier time qualifying for a college card than you would for a standard unsecured card after you graduate. Just know that you won't be able to apply without a cosigner unless you're able to verify that you ...
Best no annual fee credit card:Citi Double Cash® Card Best cash-back credit card:Chase Freedom Unlimited® Best no annual fee travel credit card:Discover it® Miles Best for airport lounge access:The Platinum Card® from American Express ...
What is the best credit card for someone just starting out? If you've never had a credit card, a car loan, or a student loan - you will need to build credit first. You'll probably need to start with a secured credit card. Or if you are still in college, a student credit card....
Can I graduate to a better card later on?Choose a card that will let you build your credit and upgrade to a card with more competitive terms. This makes it easier to leave your card open longer, boosting your average age of accounts in the long run. ...