Is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Watchworthy? This musical dramedy follows a successful lawyer who impulsively moves across the country to chase after her long-lost love. Filled with catchy tunes, outrageous moments, and unexpected emotional depth, it offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre. Premi...
First things first:Crazy Ex-Girlfriendis one of the best shows on television. Sadly, you’re probably not watching it; it’s averaging around 900,000 viewers per episode, even after star Rachel Bloom won a well-deservedGolden Globefor best actress in a comedy/musical in January. Explore Se...
When an average high school girl discovers she's been labeled the "Designated Ugly Fat Friend," she embarks on a mission to redefine herself and debunk this cruel label. Witty, heartfelt, and insightful, this comedy explores the pressures of teenage social hierarchies and the importance...
Season 3 of our favorite show,Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, wrapped up on February 16. While we wait for the CW to announce a renewal ( ), we decided to round up our favorite Jewish jokes over the course of the three seasons.If you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years and ...
Add these lesbian movies to your repertoire whether you want to see yourself onscreen, want to diversify your watchlist or want to celebrate all love.
RELATED: 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' Star Rachel Bloom Sings 'Sexy Golden Globey Song' in Only Her Spanx "We almost didn't have a show!" Bloom explained, her eyes red from tears. "We made a pilot for another network and they rejected it. And we sent the pi...
I'm In A Fuck Buddy Relationship With My Girlfriend's Best Friend, And Now She's Secretly Whispering Dirty Talk Into My Ears During A 2-Day, 1-Night Vacation And Luring Me To Creampie Temptation, Over And Over Again, Until My Cock Goes Crazy Runa Tsukino
19.CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND(2015-2019) Credit: Warner Bros Television/CBS Television Studios A unique musical rom-com and drama series,Crazy Ex-Girlfriendfollows the adventures of Rebecca Bunch as she follows her crush to the town of West Covina, California. Its catchy tunes and comedic storytelling...
Musical comedy "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" stars Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Nora Bunch: a NY lawyer who moves to California, only to find her first love living nearby. The songs aren't just hilarious, they have real emotional depth, turning what seems like a silly rom-com much more and making th...