In the murky depths of the 1987 cult classic Near Dark, a young cowboy Caleb Colton (Adrian Pasdar) finds himself ensnared in a nocturnal world after an encounter with the mysterious Mae (Jenny Wright). Unbeknownst to him, Mae is part of a roving gang of vampires led by the ruthless...
A cowboy (Willem Dafoe) rides at midnight to comfort a woman (Juliette Binoche) who lost her son in "Place des Victoires." In "Fauborg Saint-Denis," an American actress (Natalie Portman) wants to break off her romance with a blind student. Released: 2006 Directed by: Bruno Podalydès,...
silhouette is the lovechild between a classic Croc and traditional cowboy boot complete with croc skin leather, a sportstrap spur, and statement western stitching. With golden “Crocstar” Jibbitz and a cowboy crocodile logo, the Crocs Cowboy Boots proves to be a mashup we didn’t know we ...
She entertains, to boot. I’ve suspected it for a long time and Juglair’s performance confirmed it. Snips, snails and puppy dog tails are what make a boy. What makes a girl is mostly a boy in makeup through the cheap mirror of what a boy imagines as the perfect object of desire:...
The classic Cowboy Boot – badass and still relevant today. Believed to have originated in Kansas – the Cowboy Boot is considered a combination of the Wellington and the Mexican vaqueros' high heeled boots. In the United States, the Hessian continued to be worn and can be seen in photogr...
were playing poker in a saloon, the card game interrupted by bounty hunters seeking the price on your head. Rockstar’s extraordinary western is about all those things and more, a sprawling open world that yields countless emergent, organic stories every time you saddle up. Yee-haw, cowboy....
This neutral base allows you to play with any combination of fun accessories, so we leaned into a western-inspired vibe with a burst of red cowboy boots. Speaking of hardware, select more minimalist jewelry that won’t compete with the rest of your high-style staples, like these shiny ...
s needed. The VX21 X-Pac material is a rough and tumble weave that might not have the slick finish of the canvas on the Peak Design Travel Backpack but is easily as weather and abrasion-proof. We also highly appreciated the 1000D Cordura nylon on the boot of the pack, which made ...
1999 54 kathryn bigelow 200 votes in the murky depths of the 1987 cult classic near dark, a young cowboy caleb colton (adrian pasdar) finds himself ensnared in a nocturnal world after an encounter with the mysterious mae (jenny wright). unbeknownst to him, mae is part of a roving ...
1999 51 kathryn bigelow 200 votes in the murky depths of the 1987 cult classic near dark, a young cowboy caleb colton (adrian pasdar) finds himself ensnared in a nocturnal world after an encounter with the mysterious mae (jenny wright). unbeknownst to him, mae is part of a roving ...