An exhilarating courtroom drama, ‘Yara,’ directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, follows the aftermath of the murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio. The shocking murder ends up dividing the town of Brembate di Sopra into two as people clamor for the murderer to be brought to justice. In such ...
Widely regarded as one of the finest films ever made, the intriguing 1957 courtroom drama 12 Angry Men chronicles the efforts and struggles of a New York City jury as they must decide whether an impoverished 18-year-old should be found guilty in the death of his abusive father. Henry Fonda...
This courtroom drama is based on Section 375 of India's Indian Penal Code laws. The movie features Akshaye Khanna, Richa Chadha, Meera Chopra, and Rahul Bhat in pivotal roles. Section 375 is an underrated movie and isBest Hindi Movies on Amazon Prime, but the acting and story keep you h...
by Rebecca Rubin Variety Film + TV Juror #2 Ending Explained: What Happens To Justin Kemp 1/12/2025 by Joe Roberts Slash Film J.K. Simmons (I) ‘Jurassic World’ Franchise Actress Daniella Pineda “Grateful to Be Alive” After Losing Home in L.A. Fires: “I Have 1 Pair of Shoes to...
As a spirited lawyer and an upright IAS officer cross paths, their lives become entwined in a thrilling journey of courtroom battles and intense emotions. 31 Prithvi Vallabh 339 votes A historical saga set in the backdrop of ancient India, this series brings to life the courageous tales of a...
Or does he save his own skin and send an innocent man to jail? What would you do? That's the question to ponder as you watch this entertaining courtroom drama.-Liam Mathews[Trailer] Joker: Folie á Deux Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga,Joker: Folie á Deux ...
An insightful Indian courtroom drama that centers around a young lawyer who takes on a seemingly unwinnable murder case in order to prove his mettle in the legal world. As the trial progresses, he uncovers a conspiracy that puts his own life in danger. With its powerful performances and though...
Hotstar’s ultra-popular courtroom drama Criminal Justice returned with a fresh installment in 2020. It’s an entirely new story and not season two of the previous show with the same name. The plot of Behind Closed Doors revolves around a young woman named Anuradha Chopra, who goes on trial...
The premise could set up a tacky 1990s courtroom drama or erotic thriller: A woman’s husband falls from a balcony and dies while she was in the house. Did she do it? Anatomy of a Fall is not one of those movies, but it’s not not one of those movies either. Justine Triet’s ...
Also ranks #20 on The 65+ Best Court & Law Drama Movies Also ranks #22 on The Best Movies Of 1988 15 Anatomy of a Murder James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara 89 votes This landmark courtroom drama features James Stewart as a small-town lawyer tasked with defending a man accused of...