showcasing compelling stories and stellar performances. This genre has not only left a significant impact on viewers but has also given rise to some of the finest movies in cinematic history. The courtroom drama has become an enduring staple of the film industry, transporting audiences into suspens...
Samuel Jackson Kills It in A Time to KillThough director Joel Schumacher may be a polarizing figure for some, A Time to Kill is up there as one of his best films. An incredible cast bring plenty of dramatic flair to this iconic courtroom drama, with Samuel L. Jackson in particular ...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Thriller Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Oldboy, I Saw the Devil, The Chaser
Cinema has produced plenty of noteworthywar movies, but some of the most compelling battles in film have nothing to do with battlefields. Under the guidance of the right cast and crew, there’s little more compelling or suspenseful than a great courtroom drama. Rather than bullets and mortars,...
Over 700 filmgoers have voted on the 70+ films on Best Korean Crime Movies Of All Time. Current Top 3: Memories of Murder, Oldboy, I Saw the Devil
The 1957 American courtroom drama12 Angry Menis considered the second-best movie in history. The film tells the story of twelve men selected for jury duty who have to decide the fate of an 18-year-old murder suspect. The movie is known and cherished for its intense performances, sharp dialo...
An exhilarating courtroom drama, ‘Yara,’ directed by Marco Tullio Giordana, follows the aftermath of the murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio. The shocking murder ends up dividing the town of Brembate di Sopra into two as people clamor for the murderer to be brought to justice. In such...
Otto Preminger's epic courtroom drama follows lawyer Paul Biegler (James Stewart) as he tries to clear Army Lt. Manion (Ben Gazzara) for the murder of an innkeeper Manion's wife (Lee Remick) said raped her. In 2012, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by...
If you enjoy watching courtroom dramas, 12 Angry Men is a noir movie that is still counted as one of the finest in this genre. This movie revolves around a court hearing to decide the fate of an 18-year-old boy who has been charged with the murder of his abusive father. The Persecuti...
For fans of:courtroom comedies and scene-stealing women Sure, a murder trial doesn't seem like it would be the best place for laughs, but proving that assumption wrong is just one of the surprises that catapulted this '90s comedy into the all-time must-watch category. After a pair of ...