1 It's a figure that has been rising for decades, and according to the Pew Research Center, the U.S. now has more single-parent households than any other country in the world.2 The share of children living with single mothers, in particular, has nearly doubled over the past 50...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies For Artists To Watch 48 Marie Antoinette Sofia Coppola 295 votes An Austrian teenager (Kirsten Dunst) marries the Dauphin (Jason Schwartzman) of France and becomes that country's queen following the death of King Louis XV (Judy Davis) in 1774. Years l...
Also ranks #6 on The 100+ Best Black Thriller Movies, Ranked 58 Joe Bell Mark Wahlberg, Reid Miller, Connie Britton 31 votes Based on a true story, this powerful drama follows a grieving father, played by Mark Wahlberg, who embarks on a cross-country walk to raise awareness about bullyin...
The movie delivers a powerful exploration of the challenges faced by single mothers from diverse backgrounds and the universal strength found in their love for their children. Released: 2004 Directed by: James L. Brooks Dig Deeper A History Of Adam Sandler's Occasional Detours Into Serious Movies...
Revered for its heartwarming narrative and powerful performances, Akeelah and the Bee is a timeless tribute to the enduring bond between mothers and daughters. Released: 2006 Directed by: Doug Atchison Also ranks #2 on The 80+ Best Black Family Movies, Ranked Also ranks #7 on HBO Max Movies...
Live Free or Die Hard takes a thrilling look at how fathers will risk everything to not only protect their country but also their own children. Released: 2007 Directed by: Len Wiseman Also ranks #20 on The Best Hacker Movies Of All Time Also ranks #1 on The Best Action Movies of 2007...
is lovely to behold (and crushing when it comes into conflict with those angling for a return to the way things were), even if its impermanence is inherent.Nomadland’s majestic portrait puts a country’s ultimate failings, its corrupting poisons and those making the best of their position ...
What starts as a one night stand unexpectedly turns into a deeper connection that helps Russell break down his walls, but one with a very quick expiration date, as Glen is set to leave the country for the United States by the end of the weekend. Haigh’s film features a ton of...
A rare feature film written and directed by a Black woman, telling a Black woman’s story, “Miss Juneteenth” is at once familiar as a story about mothers and daughters, but it also feels fresh and authentic. It breaks stereotypes and instead presents Black women who are attempting to ...
Overview:Japan has a society where it's common for young children to take public transport to school without being accompanied by a teacher or guardian, so the country's adolescents are admirably independent. Of course, it’s always nerve wracking to send your child off into the world where...