Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies Based On TV Shows 11 Dirty Harry Franchise 2,744 votes The Dirty Harry franchise, starring Clint Eastwood as the titular character and spanning five films from 1971 to 1988, follows San Francisco Police Inspector Harry Callahan, a tough-talking co...
Hawkins Police Department. As one of the first to encounter the show's supernatural elements, Kirk's interactions with the unknown provided a comic foil to the drama of the series. Despite his limited screen time, Officer Kirk has left an impression on viewers as a memorable TV cop charac...
This may be one of the best Sidney Lumet New York cop movies Sidney Lumet didn’t direct, and as engrossing asReportis, it’s hard not to wonder how much further Lumet could’ve gone with it. Michael Moriarity is a young, naïve NYPD detective who develops an I’ll-save-you crush ...
The acclaimed series "Line of Duty" is an unusual police procedural that changes the usual perspective of the genre. On most cop shows, internal affairs departments — which investigate corruption and criminality within the police itself — are distrusted and derided. In "Line of Duty," they ta...
It’s the erotic thriller that spawned countless pale imitators. Starring Sharon Stone as Catherine Tramell, a novelist suspected in a string of very sexy murders, and Michael Douglas as the cop desperate to get her in handcuffs…if you know what we mean. ...
In fact, it has nothing really to do with that first film other than it also centering a corrupt cop. Nicolas Cage gives one of his most unhinged and impressive performances here, and that’s really saying something. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans peacock Bernie Year: 2011...
Who could have known what would come of the story of an undercover LAPD cop who tries to bust a group of hijackers when this relatively quaint action flick was released almost a quarter-century ago? It’s hard to believe that anyone involved expected that millions would still be invested in...
In the latest installment of the "Beverly Hills Cop" series, Eddie Murphy reprises his role as detective Axel Foley, returning to the franchise after over 20 years. Foley is drawn back into the glitz and glamour of Beverly Hills when his daughter's safety is threatened by unknown assailants...
Axon claims their body cams are totally objective and free from prejudice, but that's obviously not true. The cameras are mounted to the chests of law enforcement, meaning they immediately give us a warped view — they're not from the cop's POV, but lower. They're also completely control...
The last season of this cop comedy has all the action, laughs and adventures from the colourful characters lead by Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg). The ensemble cast also features comedy legends such as Terry Crews, Melissa Fumero, Stephanie Beatriz, Andre Braugher and more, ensuring quick...