When your work is complex and depends heavily on your PC, choosing the best computer for graphic design is crucial. Whether you’re a creative pro, a graphic designer, engineer, 3D animator, or data analyst, you rely on resource-heavy programs for your work and creative output. To help yo...
设计:In-house design 42/IFBOT X3 | 太阳能电池板清洁机器人 制造商:Suzhou ifbot Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou, China 设计:SuperDesign (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Peng Hua, Liang Chen, Zhixuan Lyu, Suzhou, China 43/Urbanista Los Angeles 制造商:Urbanista AB, Stockholm, Sweden 设计:In-...
·Processor:The best computer for architectural rendering and design is one that has a powerful, latest-generation processor. This is critical for several reasons. Any computer for architects needs to take a large amount of data and move it around to create the processing you need. The key to...
“In search of good design” – the Red Dot Design Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. 奖项介绍 红点奖源自德国,是与IF设计奖齐名的一个工业设计大奖,是世界上知名设计竞赛中最大最有影响的竞赛。红点奖与德国“IF奖”、美国“IDEA奖”、日本优良奖(G-MARK)一起并称为世界四大...
Whether you are a student or a professional, you need to have a computer for AutoCAD® that can handle operations and get the job done.
4. Display Quality:A high-quality display is crucial for designing and fine-tuning AR content. Lenovo's Yoga series tablets, known for their high-resolution displays, offer a hands-on approach to AR design. Remember, the right computer for AR development depends on your individual needs and ...
Computer-aided design (CAD) involves the process of using computers to create, modify, analyze, or optimize designs. TheCADsoftware is used by architects, animators, graphic designers, and engineers to create and perfect their design quality, create a database for maintenance, and improve communic...
红点产品设计大奖(Red Dot Award: Product Design)创办于1955年,致力于选拔每年度最优异之产品。红点产品设计大奖接受来自全球各地的制造商及设计师报名参加,在48个参赛组别中送交作品参加评选。为致力提拔新锐设计师,特别设立新秀计划报名日,只要是毕业未满五年之年轻设计师,皆有机会参加50名新秀免费报名名额之抽奖。
制造商:Blackmagic Design Pty Ltd, 墨尔本,澳大利亚 设计:内部设计 Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K代表了一个成功而全面的缩小模式,不仅包括尺寸和重量,还包括产品复杂性和价格,这造就了一款非常方便的摄影机,演播室摄像机的功能设计为底层技术创造了信心,而大显示屏、触摸屏和模拟控制元素的相互作用在拍摄时提供了完美的...
Using BEST for Intelligent Computer Aided DesignThe home of the Transactions of the Wessex Institute collection, providing on-line access to papers presented at the Institute's prestigious international conferences and from its State-of-the-Art in Science & Engineering publications.Sanja Vranes...