a local women's team. Directed by Gurinder Chadha, this film won the BBC's Britain's Best Film award. It explores themes of identity, aspiration, and friendship, against the backdrop of multicultural London. Multilayered yet accessible, it's a unique blend of sports and social commenta...
The film delves into the dangers of unchecked consumerism, status obsession, and superficiality that characterized the era, providing a haunting commentary on American society at the time. Actors: Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Jared Leto, Reese Witherspoon, Samantha Mathis Directed by: ...
Commentary. Irreverence. GLBT. LGBT. Queer. Men. Women. Email ***@goodasyou.org Twitter Followers 30.6K Domain Authority 54 Read Now Get Email Contact 42. Grindr Blog https://grindr.tumblr.com/ + Follow Blog Grindr has quickly grown into the world's largest social networking app for...
If the "cottagecore" and "nicecore" trends got together and had a baby, the result might be "The Dig," a throughly pleasant movie about digging a giant hole in the sprawling English countryside. This might be the simplest movie on this entire list from a plot perspective, but there's p...
Critics Consensus: Train to Busan delivers a thrillingly unique -- and purely entertaining -- take on the zombie genre, with fully realized characters and plenty of social commentary to underscore the bursts of skillfully staged action. Synopsis: A man (Gong Yoo), his estranged daughter and ...
Chris Morris’ directorial debut “Four Lions” is a jihad satire chock-full of religious and social commentary, incredible performances, and comedy so dark it should arrive accompanied with a flashlight (nothing new for fans of Morris’ work on “The Day Today” and “Brass Eye”). Cowritte...
You’ll also enjoy live video and audio commentary on select events, plus live expert advice. Bet365 continues to be one of the best online betting sites for overall value and performance. Key Facts: Established: 2000 License: UKGC, MGA Main products: Pre-match, In-Play, Casino, Live Cas...
This Hulu exclusive is clearly inspired by films likeRosemary's Baby, another horror classic about a terrifying pregnancy. Under the scary surface, there's some interesting commentary about the social pressures that come with being an expectant parent. ...
We were kept in suspense all year thanks to the caliber of thrillers released, starting with Blow the Man Down. In fact, it's women calling the shots in most of the entries.
The Washington Examiner brings the best in breaking news and analysis on politics. With in-depth news coverage, diligent investigative reporting, and thoughtful commentary, we'll make sure you're always in the know about Washington's latest exploits.MORE Email ***@washingtonexaminer.com Facebook...