Jump into the world of local politics with this workplace comedy about a wealthy businessman who becomes the mayor of Los Angeles. As he struggles to navigate his new role and deal with a colorful cast of characters, the show delivers laughs and heartwarming moments that keep vi...
Witness the mix of unique personalities as they learn to coexist in a shared living space, sparking a continuous stream of amusement and endearing moments that resonate with viewers across generations. These roommate TV series masterfully illustrate the quintessential charm of comedy within a ...
Perhaps motivated by the imminent Leap Day, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime are unleashing an absolute blizzard of new titles over the next four weeks — from a martial-arts sequel 16 years in the making, to a note-perfect new comedy series that's arriving just in time to cure (or ...
then you’ve come to the wrong place. Isaac Reed (Taylor Kitsch) is the closest thing to an old-fashioned hero that this show has. Isaac takes it upon himself to protect a desperate woman on the run, Sara Rowell (Betty Gilpin), and her son, Devin (Preston Mota)...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Film, TV & Theatre Will There Be a “Yellowstone” Season 6? The Best Moments from 'Paris & Nicole: The Encore' Your Complete Guide to the 2025 Golden Globes The 40 Best Winter Movies
The series allowed modern horror auteur Jordan Peele and collaborator Keegan-Michael Key to break out as comedy geniuses. Not only do the two show the humor in the world through their bi-racial vantage points, but their takes on awkward masculinity are second to none. Cast: Jordan Peele, ...
This BAFTA and Emmy-nominated black comedy follows the unlikely love story between the emotionally guarded, sarcastic Alyssa (Jessica Barden) and seemingly murderous misfit James (played by “Black Mirror” star Alex Lawther). Despite the show’s premise centering on James’s plans to murder Alyss...
‘Laid’ Cast and Character Guide: Who’s Who in the Peacock Comedy? 12/20/2024 by Loree Seitz The Wrap Something Very Bad Is Going to Happen: Camila Morrone, Adam Dimarco to star in Duffer Brothers horror series 12/19/2024 by Cody Hamman ...
The best comedy movies on Netflix include ‘Barbie,’‘The Dead Don’t Die,’‘Rush Hour,’‘Hit Man,’ and more. We list the best comedies streaming on Netflix right here.
These classic scary movies combine horror with humor in the twisted genre known as horror comedy. The spoofs and parodies will make you laugh and scream.