Having been sheltered her whole life due to her hearing disability, Yuki Itose is glad to finally have a real college experience. While making friends and exploring new places, she meets a fellow student named Itsuomi Nagi who she learns is intelligent, adventurous, and popular. Though a fri...
True Lovepaints a graceful tale of a college student seeking his destined life partner, morphing the dating simulation genre aesthetically. The game dynamically weaves life-simulation mechanics with romance narratives, churning out an immersive play-through experience. Its pioneering efforts in narrating ...
Fubo is offering a seven-day free trial and $30 off your first month of service, so there's never been a better time this year to sign up. You'll be able to watch all oftoday's best college football gamesand all oftomorrow's best NFL gameswithout risk. Once you subscribe, you can...
Isabelle Fuhrman is best known for the intensity she brought to the title role in Orphan and its prequel, and that quality works equally well here. The actress stars as Alex, a college freshman who joins her school's rowing team. She quickly invests all her energy into making the varsity ...
With over eight years of experience as a content writer, Cathy has a knack for untangling complex information. Her natural curiosity and ability to empathize help Cathy offer insightful, friendly advice. She believes in empowering readers who may not feel confident about a purchase, project, or ...
Want to see what college football bowl games are on today? Get the full schedule plus live streaming details so you can watch online.
So, while you consider your best course of action moving forward, let’s change the narrative slightly and introduce you to some highly engaging yet educational video games for college students (like yourself) to enjoy! 5 Best Video Games for College Students to Enhance Education ...
Here are 20 college campuses with vibrant tailgating scenes. Next:Auburn University 2/24 Credit Auburn University Home to the famous shopping and dining area Toomer's Corner and known as "The Loveliest Village on the Plains," Auburn University in Alabama is a "top-notch" tailgating spot, says...
Stephen Johnson is a Staff Writer for Lifehacker where he covers pop culture, including two weekly columns “The Out of Touch Adults’ Guide to Kid Culture” and “What People are Getting Wrong this Week.” He graduated from Emerson College with a BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing....
October's football schedule is packed with must-see games that promise to deliver all the excitement and drama fans crave. From the strategic battles in the NFL to the passionate rivalries in college football, each game offers a unique story and potential implications that stretch far beyond the...