Here is a spell for all of the squishy caster types out there: Epic Mage Armor. It lasts 24 hours, which is longer than the eight hour duration for regular Mage Armor, and has the massive bonus of +20 for armor class. If you’re a spellcaster at a whopping 16 for armor class, tha...
When people think of offensive Cleric builds, theLight Domain 5esubclass is one of the first that will come to mind. Eviscerate large swathes of foes with a well-timedFireball 5e, or blind enemies so you and your pals can dodge damage. This is a Cleric that excels in battle, regardless...
Barbarians can't Rage in heavy armor, meaning they miss out on another cleric multiclass benefit inD&D 5e.Every level in Cleric is another level aD&D 5eBarbarian falls behind in combat abilities. Only certain Channel Divinity options or utility spells might make it worth it....
Healers aren’t particularly overpowered in the world of D&D, as dealing lethal damage fast is often a better strategy than keeping everyone alive for longer. However, healers are still pretty great to have around – and if youdowant to fill this niche, the Goodberry Life Cleric is one of...
Clerics can be as diverse as the deities they serve. Their devotion fuels their actions, and their divine partnership emboldens them to shape the world. They can bring light into the world (literally!), embrace the chaos of nature, or maintain the order of the universe. The feats available...
The stereotypical cleric is a heavily-armored healer who uses the power of light to banish the darkness. This is not the case for every priest, as there are gods who preside over deception and lies, such as Cyric and Mask in the Forgotten Realms. The clerics who worship these gods often...
The Casters Extra mod expands the array of character subclasses by incorporating selections from D&D 5e that did not make it into the base game. This mod introduces various subclasses, including the Twilight Domain Cleric and the Bladesong Wizard. Additionally, the mod allows players to summon uni...
can take hits without going down and deal massive amounts of damage in melee or at range. At low levels, they dominate over every other class except perhaps a well built barbarian, cleric or paladin. Magic items have the potential to skyrocket their attack and defense, or provide them ...
Soldier 5e Urban Bounty Hunter 5e Urchin 5e Acolyte 5e Found in: Player’s Handbook Proficiency rating3/5 Mechanic rating3/5 Roleplay rating2/5 Recommended classesCleric, Paladin Clerics aren’t the only characters who can have a powerful connection to their chosen religion. TheAcolyte 5e is ...
Oracle Details: 1. Scholar Scholar in His Study [Art by Rembrandt] For those who don’t wish to be a wizard, cleric, or any sort of caster, yet still want to play an intelligent character. Scholars serve as a nonmagical form of suppor...