Highlander is a cult classic that blends action, fantasy, and romance to tell the story of Connor MacLeod, an immortal warrior who must navigate the complexities of love, loss, and the eternal struggle for survival. The film's unique premise, fascinating mythology, and memorable characters have...
He became a two-time Intercontinental Champion and was the inaugural winner of the King of the Ring tournament in 1985, proving his worth as one of the decade's premier talents. Don Muraco's Greatest Achievements in the 80s: - Two-time WWF Intercontinental Champion. - First-ever ...
Bean led to numerous films and an animated series, only solidifying Atkinson's status as one of the pioneers of modern comedy. In addition to Mr. Bean, Atkinson's role as the dashing yet bumbling secret agent in the Johnny English film trilogy further showcased his talents. Despi...
An inspiration to women everywhere, Sexy Star fought for respect and equality during her time in Lucha Underground, defying all odds to become one of the promotion's most memorable talents. With her tenacious in-ring style and unbreakable spirit, she captured fans' hearts throug...
However, his talents weren't just confined to the mic stand; his critically acclaimed performances in films like Lady Sings the Blues and Silver Streak further solidified his standing as a versatile actor. His groundbreaking style and raw, unfiltered humor have left an indelible impact on the ...
An awe-inspiring odyssey ensues, complete with flying luck dragons, brave warrior boys, and age-old prophecies. This classic tale is guaranteed to delight youngsters seeking a magical journey that transcends the ordinary. Released: 1984 Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen Dig Deeper Behind-The-Scenes...
After being humiliated in front of the entire school during the prom, in a cruel prank involving pig's blood, Carrie triggers her exceptionally strong telekinetic abilities and in a fit of blind rage uses her wild talents to ruthlessly massacre her classmates, and the entire town...
Classic WoW Subtlety Talents Subtlety Talent Good For Notes Master of Deception PvP* A highly situational talent, as if a Rogue is doing their job well, they likely won't be detected until it's too late anyway. That said, it also has its uses in PvP when going against other...
Rachel Summers inherited her mother's vast telepathic and telekinetic talents. She also inherited her mother's original code names Phoenix and Marvel Girl. Although the character is considered unique to the Marvel Comics "multiverse", her name has been used to designate the mother of Marve...
Now with the responsibility of facing their classmate's issues head-on, the two of them must work together with their wits and talents to solve the problems of their peers. Also ranks #2 on The Best Slice Of Life Anime, Ranked Also ranks #2 on The 21 Best Slice Of Life Romance Anime...