The long-awaited release of World of Warcraft Classic‘s Wrath of the Lich King update is finally here. As players prepare to dive back into one of WoW‘s most beloved expansions (or play through it for the first time), the question on many minds is simply “Which WoTLK class is the ...
Expansion: WotLK ClassicAddons are modifications to your World of Warcraft game. Some of them are simple changes to your user interface (for example, making your character’s health & mana frame bigger, or allowing you to move it), while others have powerful features that can help improve yo...
Tag: WoW Classic Guides You can get by with any class below level 20 unless you do stupid things or get bad respawns. Paladins die as fast as the Warriors in this bracket. Does a class easily leave or survive danger? Survival is more vital than fighting opponents, traveling, or soloing...
Best WoW Classic SoD Gold & WotLK Gold Store Gold is the in-game currency in World of Warcraft, players can use it to purchase items, gear, mounts, training skills, etc. There are many ways to obtain WoW Classic Gold, through active farming, professions, working the auction house, complet...
Today, we talk about the best WOTLK Classic tanks and which tanks pump the highest threat, which tanks have the highest survivability, and which tanks are must-haves for your rap race.
Special mounts are also usable: * Flying Broom * Oculus Mount * Northrend Loaned Mount * Abyssal Seahorse * Subdued Seahorse * Sea Turtle Project Pages --- Curseforge Addon: Curseforge Project: https...
WoW Classic Dire Maul Dungeons Overview WoW Classic Dire Maul North Location, Quests, Bosses, & Rewards WoW Classic Dire Maul West Location, Quests, Bosses, & Rewards WoW Classic Dire Maul East Location, Quests, Bosses, & Rewards PvE Balance Druid Best Professions...
1. Macros for Priest in Wrath of the Lich King Classic 1.1. All Healthstones in one Button Macro #showtooltip /use item:36894 /use item:36893 /use item:36892 This allows you to use any rank of Fel Healthstoneno matter which one you grab. In WotLK you can only carry one Healthstone at...
WoW Wotlk Classic Dps Tier List S Tier: Assassination Rogue Arcane Mage Frost Death Knight Unholy Death Knight Affliction Warlock A Tier: Demonology Warlock Survival Hunter Marksmanship Hunter Shadow Priest Fire Mage Balance Druid B Tier: Feral Druid ...
WoW Classic DB Warcraft DB RiotWatch WoW Classic BiS Diablo Tavern Beyond Hogwarts WoW Classic Era Guides Leveling Guide ToolAlliance Leveling GuideHorde Leveling GuideClass GuidesProfession GuidesRaid GuidesTalent Calculator WotLK Classic Guides Class GuidesProfession GuidesDungeon GuidesRaid GuidesReputation ...