The Perfect Guy, a tense and intriguing thriller, centers on a successful lobbyist, played by Sanaa Lathan, who becomes entangled with a charming but dangerous man, portrayed by Michael Ealy. Directed by David M. Rosenthal, the film explores themes of obsession, control, and the dark side ...
Paul Schrader continues his quest to make movies about lonely, angry men who sit in dark rooms writing down their stormy thoughts. Oscar Isaac is a gambler named Willem Tell (well, not really; that's an alias, obviously) who only bets enough to get by. But when a young, troubled outcas...
And Deeper The Greatest Characters Played by Robert De Niro, Ranked 13 Tom Hardy Age: 47 20,858 votes Hardy has proved himself as a character chameleon, from the gruff title role in Mad Max: Fury Road to the hulking Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. His intense performances hav...
High Honorable Mention: "To Earthward" and "Putting in the Seed" by Robert Frost, "Arrival" by William Carlos Williams, William Shakespeare's bisexual love sonnets to a Dark Lady and a Fair Young Lord, "What Do Women Want" by Kim Addonizio, "O Hymen!" and "I Dare Not Withdraw" by...
(the skin on skin action is unsimulated but used body doubles) and wickedly funny, it's a film about the darker end of desire and the impulses we just can't resist. A fixture in most critics' top tens of that year, it's a taut piece of storytelling that has the unique quality of...
As the women get closer, they feed into each other’s darker impulses, and upend their lives, violently. With pulpy thrills and assured direction from William Oldroyd, Eileen is a perfect anti-holiday film in the vein of David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a smart, edgy ...
(the post-War period from 1947 - 1955), director Charles Crichton and Oscar-nabbing screenwriter T.E.B. Clark crafted a likeably amoral crime caper centred onAlec Guinness' meek bank clerk who decides to pull off a brilliant gold robbery. Though later scenes hint at a possibly darker ...
unsure if anyone can be trusted. with a talented young cast that master one another’s layered performances as they hop bodies, this fresh indie thriller from writer-director greg jardin masterfully balances dark humor with even darker plot twists. watch on netflix will & harper will ferrell li...
这样一句话就引出了下文,再看到下面的每一段几乎都是从时间开始的,ancient Rome, 1564,1839 等 等,同时也会有小标题,It started in Rome, England’s find 等等,所以讲的是铅笔的历史,所以选 D 例 5: 字数 223 篇章难度: level 2.3 It was getting dark, and snow was coming down. Joe w...
Shot entirely using stop-motion (in a manner akin to Netflix series The House), del Toro’s darker adaptation is set in 1930s Italy during Mussolini’s fascist regime and features a star-studded voice cast who bring vivacity, levity, menace, and more to each of the films' distinct ...