Skyrim’s supposedly warring factions don’t really get up to very much, but Immersive Patrols thrusts them into conflict a bit more often. It creates patrols for not just the factions of the civil war, the Stormcloaks and Imperials, but also the Dawnguard and Thalmor. There are even some...
Lord of the Rings has inspired countless mods, but this remains one of the best. XCOM: Long War (Image credit: Firaxis) XCOM: Long War could have been an expansion. It throws in so much and tweaks pretty much everything, but it never compromises the game it's built on. XCOM was ...
Mod configuration menu that allows you to access customization options for mods that support SkyUI. Compatible with all versions of Skyrim SE, so long as the appropriate version of SKSE is installed correctly. Details 2. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch ...
Skyrim: The 20 Strongest Mages, According To Lore The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim contains a magical world that has been shaped by these powerful mages. Fans can learn even more about them through lore. Not all of these mods are necessarily lore-friendly, but veterans ofSkyrimwon't mind. After...
Despite being explicitly about killing dragons and taking part in the civil war, two aspects of the game we’re introduced to almost immediately, Skyrim is a really good sandbox RPG as well. There ARE these two storylines… but you don’t have to care about ...
Skyrim takes the player to the eponymous imperial province, a harsh land inspired by Scandinavian landscapes and a popular understanding of the Norse culture of old. There are two overarching plotlines: the return of dragons and a civil war between rebels and loyalists. Crucially, however, you ...