The Philadelphia Story Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, James Stewart 52 votes This classic screwball comedy features a delightful love triangle involving a high-society woman torn between her ex-husband and an enigmatic reporter. With sparkling dialogue, memorable characters, and a healthy do...
In the Heat of the Night pairs Sidney Poitier as Philadelphia detective Virgil Tibbs with Rod Steiger's Mississippi Police Chief Bill Gillespie to solve a murder mystery in racially tense Southern America. Directed by Norman Jewison, this groundbreaking film examines issues such as racia...
The Chinatown in Philadelphia started developing when early Cantonese immigrants began settling in the area in the mid-1800s. Though these immigrants started opening up shops and restaurants in the area, it was not until the 1960s when a huge influx of families started settling in the area, cr...
Starring Terrence Howard as real-life swimming coach Jim Ellis, Pride tells the inspiring story of how Ellis turned around an underprivileged swim team in Philadelphia during the 1970s. With its uplifting message and engaging performances from Howard and Bernie Mac, Pride remains a popular choice ...
Philadelphia One of the most historic cities in America, Philadelphia is an ideal place to spend a weekend - preferably a long one. Be sure to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, where the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were signed. Both are part of Independence National ...
2. Philadelphia Hop-On Hop-Off City Tour 1,343 Bus Tours 1–2 hours This Philadelphia hop-on hop-off bus tour allows you to visit all of the landmarks in the City of Brotherly Love at your… Free cancellation from $36 per adult Reserve 3. Washington DC and Philadelphia in...
and he realizes the police know he's there but not what he looks like. So he has to try to evade capture without his daughter finding out his secret. And it's a Shyamalan movie, so you can be sure of two things: there will be twists, and it's set in Philadelphia.-Liam Mathews[...
The Philadelphia Story (1940) 100% #1 Critics Consensus: Offering a wonderfully witty script, spotless direction from George Cukor, and typically excellent lead performances, The Philadelphia Story is an unqualified classic. Synopsis: This classic romantic comedy focuses on Tracy Lord (Katharine He...
Chinese language skills that you’ll find on Upwork can use their abilities to translate, write, and interpret in addition to their other skills as programmers, writers, and specialists in countless fields. These experts are comfortable in online workplaces, allowing them to partner remotely no ...
Student Everything you need for each step of your study abroad journey Home Best universities Business education Events/ festivals Certifications Counsellor resources You may also like September 27 2023 Best universities in Florida 2022 Explore the top universities in Florida using data from the Wall ...