1. Australorp Chicken Australorp poultry breeds are very famous throughout the world for their egg production. They also produce meat highly. Their feathers become bright greeny black colored. Their body is wide and weight high. There is a medium sized crest over their head. Their skin is of...
A trial of two breeds for a year is important to determine whether a chicken raiser want the chicken for their eggs or their meat. The hybrid chicken breeds like California White, Cherry Egger and Indian River are...
Chickens lay eggs all year round – with a highly productive hen, you're looking at 200 or more eggs per year. So choose your breeds wisely and you'll be awell-stocked homesteader, egg-wise, with only a couple of chickens in your flock. Let’s see these 10 well-known and productive...
If you want to be sure of having healthy birds and abundant eggs, it is advisable to feed your chickens one of them all in one feeds that are now available, these contain the correct balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, for their age and their purpose, be it eggs, meat or bo...
Great animal in profit and taste. Chicken Chickens are domesticated birds commonly raised for their meat and eggs. They belong to the species Gallus gallus domesticus and are one of the most widespread livestock animals. People! Random strangers! Farm animals are NOT PETS. They are for human ...
Some of the most popular chicken breeds fit this particular bill nicely, including Cochins, Orpingtons, Australorps, Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Sex Links, Delawares, Faverolles and Sussex. These birds tend to be heavier, dual-purpose birds (suitable for egg or meat production) with a mellow...
To choose the right chicken breeds for your flock, you need to know what you want from them. Most people want eggs, some people want meat, and some people want both meat and eggs. Dual purpose breeds Before the days of factory farming, many families kept chickens for two purposes: eggs...
Can't you grow olives it would be one way of having a tree that also serves as food for your animals , i thought you were in a hot weather state. i know how you grow maggots you hang up a peice of meat and the flies laqy their eggs in it. . I saw a documenary that said ...
Alexa grew up raising, showing, and caring for poultry. Her passion for poultry grew into her current small farm business, the Black Feather Farm, where she breeds rare and heritage chicken breeds. She uses her vast experience to improve the lives of chickens and educate Grubbly readers as ...
The most prolific egg producers are the White Leghorn, Lohmann Brown, and Rhode Island Reds. However, the red sexlink enjoys the best feed-to-egg ratio, while the Plymouth Rock and Wyandottes are the best general breeds. If you need both eggs and meat, go for Wyandotte and Plymouth Rock...