M.O.Q.: 1000 pcs (The meter dial can be customized according to customer's request. To make a new mold, you should pay mold cost.) Material: PC Thickness: 0.3-1.5mm Surface: Sub-brightness/Nick-proof Working Temperature: -30ºC~9...
There are some videos and grounding products that use a volt meter to show when using their grounding mat the reading drops to zero implying you are protected from EMFs. This is done by sticking one of the prongs in the ground plug and then holding the other, which will give you a readi...
Anything other methodology is just trying to figure out what the average person using whatever average system overall. These portable formats are originally supposed to used on portable systems like iPods and computer using cheap computer speakers. But to replace the CD using a nice high quality s...
The remote control is done with the help of a cheap commercial RC transmitter and receiver. Difficulty: Advanced Link: DIY Mars Perseverance Rover Replica – Arduino based Project Arduino Hexapod Robot Making biologically inspired robots is very popular among engineering students. This Arduino project ...