Set in the bustling Tokyo district of Ikebukuro, the lives of various individuals intertwine as they cross paths with the enigmatic headless motorcycle rider known as Celty Sturluson. As the characters uncover hidden secrets and encounter dangerous foes, they confront the supernatural elements lurking...
"Each and every day, millions of kids tune in to Sesame Street to see one of the world’s most adored and recognizable children’s characters, a furry red monster named Elmo. Yet, with all of Elmo’s fame, the man behind the Muppet is able to walk down the street without being recog...
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Currently airing, “Shoegaze” focuses on two new characters who attempt to destroy a mysterious giant tower in their childhood town. Although no “FLCL” sequel has lived up to the original’s perfection, the franchise’s commitment to experimentation still makes it thrilling to follow. Plus it...
either through their actions or other forms of appearance. Our article today is focused on these characters. Varying from main to side characters, each with a personality bigger than the last, the lack of emotion on these characters’ faces did not make us love them any less. In fact, if...
Warner Bros. heroes enlist the aid of Jordan, who returns to the court to help the classic characters. While he prepares to play, Jordan is aided by fellow celebrity Bill Murray. Director Joe Pytka previously created many of the television commercials that featured Jordan as a paid endorser....
Explore with three characters simultaneously. Featuring atmospheric isometric graphics, rendered video, and a soundtrack by Mark Morgan, BONE TOTEM takes you on a journey to hidden places deep below the waves... Laptop Requirements for STASIS: BONE TOTEM The system requirements are ordinary; nearly...
Not only that, this might be the only OVA where we see the entire cast of a previous CLAMP anime X/1999 as this anime brings in characters from other CLAMP works. If you are a fan of CLAMP works, check this OVA out! 9. Given: Uragawa no Sonzai twitter Episodes: 1 Aired: December...
Basketball is a tricky sport to capture on film, but there are some fantastic movies for fans of the game. Sports movies have always been appealing, typically telling feel-good stories of characters triumphing over hardship to win games or conquer internal struggles. Even for non-sports fans,...