The 2021 ranked season is finally here after a couple of months of playing with the shiny, new items in the preseason. Whether you were disappointed with last season's rank, you want to climb higher than ever before, or if you're completely new to the game, the ranked grind is on. S...
So you finally got stuck in your ELO and can’t climb any longer so you’re searching for a way out. Anything would be helpful to you to get you out of that mess you got yourself into. A light at the end of the tunnel. Any message from Hezuz himself would be really helpful to ...
Oh, this option when disabled will take you from your low-elo bronze hell straight to platinum or diamond. You see, once all chat is disabled the enemy team won’t be able to trigger you when they kill you by writing “EZZZZ GG” or “LOL” or “Mad?” or “?”. These are the...
On a serious note, since Riot Games implemented two ranked seasons in one year, there isn’t a lot of time to mess around trying things. You need to be playing the strongest jungle champions to climb with, in order to get those sweet rewards. Well, you’ve come to the right place!
Challenger support shows how to carry with NAUTILUS SUPPORT in any ELO | 13.20 League Of Legends Nautilus, The Titan of the Depths, is a colossus in the world of crowd control. Remarkably, 100% of his active abilities incorporate some form of crowd control, a testament to his unparalleled ...