You won’t be able to beat the ride, but with CCW Insurance you can feel confidant that your lawyer isn’t far behind you and will be there to protect your rights. You won’t be able to beat the ride, but with CCW Insurance you can feel confident that your lawyer isn’t far behin...
You must protect yourself with proper concealed carry insurance as well. You never know when you may need it. If you have suggestions or experiences with backpacks, I would certainly like to hear them. Your comments are always welcome in the space below. Here are other relevant articles: Top...
I’m more annoyed that my nice, comfortable semi-rural retirement home isn’t any different than Chicago than anything else. And it effectively sealed the decision on whether to CCW or not. Also sealed the decision on whether or not I will comply with any attempt to ban any class of weap...
Have you shot the new VP9 from Heckler & Koch? I put one through its paces with lots of ammo and shooters, then give you the skinny on this gun.
I had heard this from many people before I retired, because I had put together on paper a “dream gun,” and had started enquiries toward accumulating the parts for it; but the plans attracted critics around the same time my cash stash disappeared in the maw of a hospitalization insurance ...
Have you shot the new VP9 from Heckler & Koch? I put one through its paces with lots of ammo and shooters, then give you the skinny on this gun.