The best cash back credit card is one you will use regularly. Some cards pay a single rate on every purchase, with no work required on your part. Others pay higher rewards in specific categories (up to 6% in some cases) and a lower rate elsewhere. Choose one card for everything, or ...
Cash-back credit cards can be a great way to make money off your normal spending, but if you don't want to pay an annual fee to reap rewards, there are plenty of options without a yearly charge. To help you get the right card for your needs, CNBC Select analyzed 44 popular cash-ba...
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card: Best feature: Cash back on dining with no annual fee. READ MORE Cash back credit cards are extremely popular, and it's easy to see why. These cards offer rewards on everyday expenses, which is just what you need when prices are still on the...
If you are making the bulk of your everyday purchases on a credit card, it might be a good idea to have a cash back rewards card with no annual fee in your wallet. But with so many options in the cash back credit card space in 2025, you may have a hard time deciding which reward...
All cardsNo annual feeWelcome offerRewardsCash back Issuers Credit range Hover to learn more Sort by Showing 13 results Best for flat-rate rewards Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card Bankrate score 4.3 Hover to learn moreBankrate review Add to compare Recommended credit score:(670 - 850) Hover ...
After that, your fee will be 5% of each transfer (minimum $5). Foreign transaction fee 3% Credit needed Excellent/Good Terms apply. BankAmericard® credit card Rewards This card doesn't offer cash back, miles or points. Welcome bonus No current offer Annual fee $0 Intro APR 0% ...
If you’re not using the best free cashback credit cards in Canada, then you’re missing out on free money! We published our no-fee cashback credit card list back in 2007 and we’ve been updating it regularly ever since, so you always know which no-fee cashback cards to consider. ...
Since the points you earn belong in the Chase Ultimate Rewards program, you can redeem them for gift cards or cash back, or use them to shop on Either way, getting 1.5 points per dollar spent on every purchase is pretty sweet when no annual fee is involved. And if you hat...
No foreign transaction fee Cons Chase cards eligible for travel partner transfers have annual fees Mediocre baseline cash-back rate Learn More Best Rotating Cash-Back Card: U.S. Bank Cash+® Visa Signature® Card Of all the cards on this list, the U.S. Bank Cash+®Visa Signature®Ca...
No annual fee 10% cash back up to $1,000 in spending ($100 cash back) for the first 2 months 2% cash back on up to 3 categories 0.5% cash back on all other purchases Some people don’t like paying an annual fee for a credit card. Fortunately, theTangerine Money-Back Credit Card...