The best cash back credit card is one you will use regularly. Some cards pay a single rate on every purchase, with no work required on your part. Others pay higher rewards in specific categories (up to 6% in some cases) and a lower rate elsewhere. Choose one card for everything, or ...
Popular Categories: Discover it® Cash Back Vs Chase Freedom Unlimited® Vs Bank of America® Customized Cash Rewards credit card Use Our Comparison Tool Balance Transfer Credit Cards Credit Cards With No Annual Fee Credit Cards With Sign-up Bonuses On This Page Best Cash Back Cards What...
Customizable categories Get insight How to choose a cash back credit card How Bankrate experts use cash back cards Our team of credit card experts is no stranger to the top cash back cards, and many of Bankrate’s writers and editors have strategies of their own to maximize credit card...
Best no annual fee cash-back credit cards of 2025 Best for 0% APR: Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card Best for flexible bonus categories: Citi Custom Cash® Card Best for everyday spending: Citi Double Cash® Card Best for welcome bonus: Chase Freedom Unlimited® Best for groceries: Blue...
Earning a minimum of 1.5% on all your purchases isn’t bad. We also like that the cards in this list either have no annual fee or a very low annual fee. Most of these cards are good companion cards to others that offer elevated cash back on certain categories. Or, if you only want...
Whether you want to earn a ton of cash back, transfer a balance, or both, the Discover it®card can help you make it happen. No annual fee Earn 1X points on all purchases and 5X points in categories that rotate every quarter
These cards can help you maximize your everyday purchases and earn rewards that are easy to redeem. Check out our curated selection and comprehensive guide on some of the best cash back cards on the market from our partners below. Show more Jump to: Browse by card categories Comparing the ...
Admittedly, 2% isn’t as high as some other cards on this list, but the ability to choose your own categories is a game-changer. Some people will use this card to complement another cash back card. That would allow them to earn at least 2% cash back on multiple categories. Alternatively...
Cash-back credit cards can be even more popular than our top-ratedgas credit cardsandtravel rewards cards. But not all cash-back credit cards are created equal. Some offer the same cash-back rate on all purchases. Others offer higher rates on certain spending categories, such as groceries or...
What we like about the Chase Freedom Flex: While you might sign up for the Chase Freedom Flex for its sign-up bonus, it’ll likely become one of your long-term go-to cards, thanks to its rotating 5% bonus categories and ongoing 3% bonus cash back at restaurants and drugstores. The ...