Cash-back credit cards can be a great way to make money off your normal spending, but if you don't want to pay an annual fee to reap rewards, there are plenty of options without a yearly charge. To help you get the right card for your needs, CNBC Select analyzed 44 popular cash-ba...
All cardsNo annual feeWelcome offerRewardsCash back Issuers Credit range Hover to learn more Sort by Showing 12 results 2025 Bankrate Awards Winner Best for dining Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card Cardholder rating 4.4 Hover to learn more Bankrate score 5.0 Hover to learn moreBankrate re...
Best Travel Airline Hotel No Annual Fee Business 0% APR Overwhelmed with credit card options? Filter out the noise and simplify the research. We'll find your best match in minutesTry CardMatch™Comparing the best cash-back credit cards Credit cardBest forIntro offerEarning rateAnnual feeApply...
Cash back cards are also more popular than points or miles cards, according to Bankrate's 2024 Credit Card Rewards Survey. And it's the latter — those travel rewards cards — that tend to come with annual fees. The no-annual-fee cards above mostly offer cash rewards. Bankrate editor Reen...
Best for avoiding annual fees. REWARDS RATE: 1.5%-5% cash back WELCOME BONUS: $200 cash bonus APR: 14.99%–23.74% (variable) ANNUAL FEE: $0 RECOMMENDED CREDIT SCORE: 690-850 Although there are many cards that pay much higher rewards than Chase’s Freedom Unlimited®, this card still pro...
Best Cash Back Credit Cards Credit card NerdWallet rating Annual feeRewards rateIntro offerLearn more Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card 5.0/5Best for Flat-rate cash back $0 2%Cashback $200 Apply Now on Wells Fargo's website on Wells Fargo's website Rates & ...
Best Cash Back Credit Cards Credit card NerdWallet rating Annual feeRewards rateIntro offerLearn more Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card 5.0/5Best for Flat-rate cash back $0 2%Cashback $200 Apply Now on Wells Fargo's website on Wells Fargo's website Rates & Fees Chase Freedom Unlimited®...
“My favorite reward cards are ones that actually pay you money. I want cash, because nobody can tell you when you can or can’t spend your cash,” Clark explained. More on Cash Back Credit Cards With No Annual Fee: Best Cash Back Credit Cards ...
No annual fee. Sign-up bonus: Earn $200 cash back after you spend $1,500 on purchases in the first 6 months of account opening. What we like about the Citi Double Cash: When compared to all of the other major no-annual-fee credit cards, theCiti Double Cashoffers the highest ongo...
Cash-back credit cards can be a great way to make money off your normal spending, but if you don't want to pay an annual fee to reap rewards, there are plenty of options without a yearly charge. To help you get the right card for your needs, CNBC Select analyzed 44 popular cash-ba...