Colo (Isabelle Huppert), a young woman in a failing marriage, is involved in an accident and loses sight in one of her eyes. Doctors give her the option of retaining her good eye, which could continue to function. On the other hand, it could slip into "sympathetic blindness," leaving ...
Y . January 19, 1950 Dutch Diplomat Dinecl Here Iyoung Gets I Best Pictorial Print in Show Top l{odak Salon Prize News direct from Harrow, Eng- land, is that Art Young, H-E Super- intendent's Office, won the George Eastman Gold Medal in the 15th Kodak International Salon of Pho- ...
In the years since Hologram was founded, the company has been a partner to leading technology pioneers around the world. Hologram made it possible for the rapid growth of micromobility vehicles like e-scooters. Hologram kept self-driving cars connected and on the road. Hologram helped drones ...