Fresh RN is one of the best nursing podcasts for those who are just getting started with their careers. The program focuses specifically on that all-important first year of nursing. It helps new nurses understand what they can expect during their first year on the job, and it provides tips ...
We have highlighted, for instance, whether certain software offer dyslexic-friendly fonts, such as the number two on our list, Natural Reader. We also bear in mind that these are free versions, so where possible we compare and contrast their feature sets with paid-for rivals. Finally, we ...
They start talking about how their cars reflect their careers. The first guy says, "I'm a pimp and so I drive a cheap Escort." The second guy says, "I'm a herpetologist and so I drive a Dodge Viper." The third guy says, "I'm a proctologist, and I drive a brown Probe." car...
As a reader, Marvin boasts several great reading features, from a variety of fonts (including a specialty font for dyslexic readers), a night mode and customizable themes, highlighting, annotation and dictionary tools. You'll also find numerous format tweaks ranging from text justification, to par...
Erin Brockovich may be best known as the legal assistant responsible for the largest direct-action lawsuit in history, but do you know she is also a dyslexic (阅读困难者). Growing up in Kansas, Erin struggled in school and felt the great pressure from learning even as early as the second...
As a dramedy series, it showcases the challenges faced by ambitious young adults pursuing careers in a competitive environment. With vibrant visuals and a diverse cast, the show delves into the complexities of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Alongside Katy, characters like Jorge/Ginger (...
Workonais aproductivity appfor people with 27 tabs open at any given time. While plenty of Chrome extensions let you group your tabs into a single tab (and Chrome also natively allows tab groups), none do it as elegantly as Workona. ...
I’m dyslexic I can’t spell, if it wasn’t for the spell checker no one would understand what I wrote. About sha256 the bit strength is about 35/255 a large drop, I just don’t know how to release the program, I though that if someone gives me a hash and in return I say ...
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For additional tools, just click on the Calmly Writer icon. From the menu that appears, you can save, print, or open a document, as well as set a range of preferences, including focus, dark, and dyslexic mode. If you want to work offline, you can even download the whole app to your...