Many credit cards charge a 2.5% fee when you make a purchase in any currency that’s not Canadian dollars. If your card has no foreign transaction fees, then you’re just paying the straight exchange rate. As you can see, the list of additional benefits you can get with your rewards cr...
10. Scotiabank GIC Rates Scotiabank’s GIC rates range from 3.000% to 3.250% for non-redeemable GICs (compounded annually). The minimum deposit is $500. 1-year TFSA GIC rate: 3.250% 11. BMO GIC Rates Bank of Montreal is one of the largest banks in Canada. Their GIC rates range from ...
RBC Canadian Market-Linked GIC. RBC U.S. MarketSmart GIC. RBC ESG Market-Linked GIC. RBC also offers Special GIC Rates. These are special promotions on RBC GICs that have a set term. They can be both cashable and non-redeemable. ...
That’s why it’s also our top pick for Best Free Canadian Bank Account and the best high interest savings account in Canada. For the princely sum of $0 you get: Interest rate of 3.75% when you set up direct deposit of pay for the first 12 months (2.25% every day rate once the ...
The EQ Bank Notice Savings Account is our pick for the best ongoing interest rates in Canada. It’s a unique account on the Canadian market because, if you agree to wait longer to withdraw your money from the account, you’ll earn a higher interest rate. ...
A Canadian resident. The age of majority in your province or territory. How to get the most out of your HISA These five simple tips will help you find the best savings rates and boost your bank balance. Budget for savings You’ll reach your financial goal sooner if you make saving money...