In this electrifying high school football showdown, every moment is captured by students in the Apollo Streams Broadcasting Program, who bring pro-level quality to the action. The video unfolds with live commentary as the teams battle down the field, with each play enhanced by a running game c...
Looking to make high-quality sports footage? Check this blog to find out what Insta360 camera is bets for you.
action-packed, funny, and heartwarming flick that's also unapologetically queer. Ahmed (Star Wars: Rogue One) stars as Ballister Blackheart, a knight of a futurism-inspired realm who's framed for the murder of his kingdom's queen. The only individual who can get him out of a tight...
We have an endzone camera for football. We want to be able to turn off the various icons on the screen when we record and watch through the monitor. However we still want to be able to see the record and standby icon (just not everything else). Is there a good monitor that will ...
for contemporary viewers to chew on. AsMartin Scorsese, one of the film's great champions, points out: "It shows how the camera violates and the aggression of filmmaking." LikeMan Bites Dogin a more reactionary era, it said things that no-one wanted to hear. Happily, the passing of ...
The Tender Bar - Official Trailer | Prime Video - YouTube Watch On Ben Affleck is in front of the camera and George Clooney is behind it for this adaptation of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist J. R. Moehringer’s memoir, which recounts his childhood in Long Island. The fatherless youn...
Drunk on its own DIY energy and deeply in love with everything it’s doing, “One Cut of the Dead” is a euphoric ode to the chaos (and compromises) of genre filmmaking; it’s the kind of movie that makes you want to pick up a camera, call some friends, and die laughing as you...
Who ever thought football, a sport infamous for its meatheads and brute force, could be the cornerstone of one of television’s most delicate, affecting dramas? Heart-rending, infuriating, and rife with shattering setbacks and grand triumphs—Friday Night Lightsis all of these, and in those wa...
The Facecam MK.2 offers uncompressed 1080p video capture. This makes for an artefact-free video stream. It's not 4K-capable but that works just fine for anyone looking to use this camera for streaming, rather than recording, be that on Twitch, Google Meet, or Zoom. ...
Away from work, Tom can be found checking out the latest video games, immersing himself in his favorite sporting pastime of football, reading the many unread books on his shelf, staying fit at the gym, and petting every dog he comes across. Got a scoop, interesting story, or an intriguing...