Black and Blue, an action-packed and thought-provoking thriller, stars Naomie Harris as a rookie police officer who captures the murder of a young drug dealer by corrupt cops on her body camera, forcing her to go on the run and fight for her life. Directed by Deon Taylor, the film t...
Image stabilizationand vibration reduction are useful but keep in mind that the system prevents camera shake at slower shutter speeds, and obviously slower shutter speeds are not our concern in sports photography. However, IS/VR is very good for low-light situations (indoor sports photography). So...
It’s not likely that anyone who finds the camera will have bolt cutters handy, so they won’t be able to take the camera without damaging it. Cable locks start at under $10, which is a small price to pay for protecting an expensive camera. Concealing the camera will also help – jus...
action is generally fast enough to stop camera shake. IS is, however, a very useful feature that you might use for other subjects at an event (people in the stands, players on the bench). In addition, image stabilization can improve AF performance by providing a still image to the AF ...
What about the shows that we liked 20 years ago, but in retrospect weren't that great, but everyone was so starved for material they liked it? Unlike baseball, there are fewer stats to rely on when considering the best sports movies and TV series, because awards are an unreliable metric....
He was a camera operator on what is reputedly the first British Technicolor feature, "Wings of the Morning" (1937). As he emerged as a major director of photography in the 1940s, Cardiff garnered a reputation for his bold use of color. He shot the Powell-Pressburger masterpieces "...
The Spider-Man swinging action was always tailor-made for Sam Raimi’s exuberant swooping camera that distinguished his early low-budget genre work. By his second time on the dance floor with Spidey, Raimi had perfected this approach, applying a speed and agility on par with the character —...
Baseball’s internal cultural tension — the phrase “playing the game the right way” is code for a racist intolerance for outsiders — is at the heart of Sugar. But the film’s also fairly damning about America’s hostile treatment of foreigners, a tendency that clearly has not improved ...
Keep your hands free and the camera rolling with theHead Strap 2.0 camera mountcombo from GoPro. Whether you strap this to a helmet or your head, it's fully adjustable and the QuickClip can also mount to traditional baseball caps, waistbands and belts. ...
Music pounds at a nightclub in Paris. Strobe lights flicker, turning the revellers into stop motion dancers. The camera focuses on dust particles floating in the air; it zooms closer until they morph into spiky molecules of the virus that devastated LGBTQ+ communities throughout the 1980s and ...