Caitlyn relies mainly on her auto attacks and Headshots to deal damage, as her other abilities are primarily used for pokes. She is straightforward to learn but hard to master. This ADC requires good positioning skills and proper placement of traps. Our only issue with her is that her damag...
5. Caitlyn With a very dominant lane phase due to her incredible range, Caitlyn probably still is the best siege champion in the game, where smartly placed traps can turn to be a game changer. Indeed, she might not be as strong as before after receiving some nerfs in previous...
The same thing happened in the next match where T1 had the lead, but Deft kept his cool and never gave up. Eventually, they were the winners of Worlds 2022. As a prize for winningDeft’s Caitlyn skinwas recently released, and its recall animation represents his “Cinderella story”. The ...
Caitlyn does not mess around when it comes to dealing damage and one-shotting people. Once she gets to the late game each critical strike will deal roughly around 1000 damage. No biggie. But if she head-shots you you’re in for a treat. Simply put she can one-shot opponents no matter...
I have been using Mobirise for past 3 years & it's a great tool in helping to grow my freelance job. I am basically a Graphic Designer, not trained to build websites, not learned coding. But with this amazing easy to use platform, I am able to create stunning websites so easily &...
Vi ADC Synergy The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Vi are Kai'Sa, Ezreal, and Caitlyn. # Win Pick Game 1 54.21% 5.80% 428 2 54.52% 4.50% 332 3 52.66% 2.55% 188 4 51.40% 4.36% 322 5 54.25% 1.44% 106 6 55.26% 1.03% ...
Zoe ADC Synergy The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Zoe are Aphelios, Jinx, and Caitlyn. # Win Pick Game 1 61.00% 1.10% 50 2 53.38% 3.25% 148 3 54.17% 2.11% 96 4 54.55% 1.93% 88 5 59.09% 0.96% 44 6 53.07% 2.50%
Let us take a look onhow to beat Draven. We will look at champions who are strong against Draven and who are weak against Draven. Use win rate, gold difference and creep score difference at minute 10 to find the bestAdcchampion who counters Draven. You can already win in champion select...
Caitlyn 5 played against 3/1/1 W/L/D 60% Win Rate Lux 5 played against 2/1/2 W/L/D 40% Win Rate Mel 5 played against 1/1/3 W/L/D 20% Win Rate Show more … How to counter Sivir Let us take a look onhow to beat Sivir. We will look at champions who are strong against...